Chapter 1 : Bone Rattling New World

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Inside a long judgment hall, a place usually meant for discussing justice and civilized arguments, was an action that could be anything but 'civil'.


A loud decisive strike could be heard, two figures stand in the judgment hall, one is holding a sharp edged weapon with a red glint in their eyes, the other seems to be a skeleton in a hoodie?The skeleton has a large cut on his chest, showing the wound bleeding profusely, he was looking at the person standing before him with a melancholic expression.

Skeleton: So.....That's it....Huh?

The figure in front of him didn't answer, only giving a cold stare.

Skeleton: Just. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Still no answer, only watching as the Skeleton's life fades away, but before that happens the skeleton stands up saying his last words.

Skeleton: Welp, I'm going to Grillby's!"

He said with a smile, he then began to limp his way past the human standing before him and towards the exit of the hall. The blood still leaking out, his body slowly turning to dust.

Skeleton: Papyrus, you want anything?

Were his last words, before fading into nothingness.

Just like that

Sans lost his life.


Or so he thought, usually when this happens he just goes back to the beginning after a true reset, everyone else forgets what happened, but not him. Watching the {Player] reset over and over to experience different outcomes, after many resets he's grown to hate the {User], why don't they just give up? Why do they continue to reset?

All these thoughts were in his mind in the vast nothingness he was in, Until a faint light came into his peripheral vision.

Sans: Guess, it's time to do it all over again, huh?

The light began to grow bigger

and bigger,

and bigger

until It totally covered Sans's vision, blinding him for a moment, he blinked a few times to readjust to the light.

But when he opened his eyes, he saw something that he did not expect.

Sans: Huh? What is this?

He saw a town, in the sunlight, a bustling town in the sun. Sans has lived in the underground for as long as he can remember, of course he's seen the surface a few times but he could tell at a glance, this wasn't the surface he was familiar with.

Sans:This is new

Sans took in his surroundings, and saw the many different people there, not just humans but also beast people walking among them like it was normal. Sans upon seeing the humans decided to hide his face with his hood so he wouldn't stir up attention, him being a monster he knew full well that letting a human see his face would probably scare them and lead to him being arrested or worse be forced into a fight.

Sans began to walk away from the square area he was in and went down the road, passing many people as carriages go by pulled by lizards, this new place our bony friend found themselves in was definitely not earth, the different creatures and differing technology made that apparent. He took a turn into a shopping district making his way through many bustling shops and bars, he continued to keep his head down, not wanting to make a scene, as he was walking through the different shops he saw an opening into a backstreet.

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