3 Wade

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"So we went over your results from last week. We see severe fluctuation with the intensity of your cancer cells," the doctor explained, sliding over to him on his wheelie stool with a stack of papers. He liked Dr. Kaisen, he was pretty normal and didn't give Wade the heebie-jeebies like other medical professionals. After his experience that led him to his mutant life, he figured it would be impossible for him to ever truly trust a doctor again, but this man just rubbed him the right way. He was probably ten years older than Wade, so young in terms of a doctor, but he also spoke to people he was around like they were human and that felt amazing.

Dr. Kiasen set one of the stacks he had in hand in a folder on one side of his desk and started laying out the other, sorting through the pages until he reached the one with the right charts he was looking for. "Here you can see where you were at twelve months ago. You had a fairly consistent cycle of relapse and remission. Our first month of trial with the Stratimpirum we didn't see much, but as of today we can see that your cycle has been disrupted." The man pointed at a graph that expressed a consistent wave of up and downs before another that was far more chaotic. 

"Is that a good sign?" He'd asked tentatively.

Kaisen pressed his lips together and offered him a shrug. "It's too early to tell exactly what's happening. "What I can say is that you have ten percent fewer cancer cells with your most recent cycles as compared to your usual cycle. If this trend continues, that might mean that we can get your condition under control eventually. But it's just too early to tell. It's an exciting discovery regardless because it proves that we can influence your healing factory though." the man added quickly when Wade frowned. He wasn't dejected, but he was a bit disappointed that the answer wasn't obvious. 

"I see. Better than I've ever had on my own though." He tried to bring his spirits up, but the boxes had been nearly unbearable that morning. They screamed angrily while Kaisen went over the essay he'd brought along with the work he'd done and the data they were looking at. The second stack was given to Wade at the end of the session as usual and after checking his implants he was sent on his merry way with a new set of doses to last him until their next appointment. 

The alarm on his watch went off, pulling him back to the present. He rubbed his face, leather rubbing on leather before he lapsed his alarm for the next twelve hours. He took out an injector from his pouch and opened the new zipper he'd sewn into the seam of his suit's leg. It was just an extension of his leg zipper that let him get into his uniform, but it allowed him to give himself a shot on the go. This was important to him after all. He believed in this treatment and he wanted to do everything he could to try and make it successful. Even if that meant humiliating himself in public somehow. People had issues with things like this. Eventually, someone would see him give this injection to himself and claim his powers were fake or something along those lines. Maybe he was a junkie, who knew. He didn't really care though. He'd certainly done much much worse.  Being accused of drug abuse would probably be a humanizing step for Deadpool in the eyes of many. 

He laughed to himself, pushing down on the trigger of the thick white thingy that held his dose. It was nearly painless, similar to the lance at the physical station for plasma. Dr. Kaisen said that as the treatment began to improve his state it would probably start to hurt more, and honestly, Wade couldn't wait for the pain. 

The theoretical pain. Kaisen also always wanted him to instill a fair amount of skepticism around the treatment so he didn't get his hopes up. It was a good reminder that Wade kept in the back of his mind but honestly, he couldn't help feeling a little bit giddy every time he stabbed himself with a needle. 

He smiled to himself, shoving the treatment back into the special pouch he'd made for it where it could hang securely attached to his holster so it wouldn't get lost. He kicked his feet as he sat there on the edge of the random building he'd stopped on, amused by the flopping of his suit leg before he decided to zip it back down, watching the leather shape around his muscle. He was a bit disheartened to notice that it was getting harder for his sipper to make it past his thighs. He kind of hated sewing and he really needed to get his suit resized or remade but he just didn't have the heart to commit a week of his life to only making the damn thing. 

He was looking down at his boots when movement caught his attention just between his heels. Someone wearing a bright red hat had just stuck their head out the window and deliberately looked around, taking in a full 180-degree view before ducking back inside.

Wade raised a brow. It was weird but far from the weirdest shit he'd seen people do when they thought no one was looking. He waited a few seconds, expecting to hear the thud of a window shutting within the next few seconds, but what happened had almost been too fast for his brain to fully register. He saw their hand first as it came out to brace against the bricks outside the window, and then the toes of a red shoe. 

"Wait!" He screeched when it occurred to him what the person was about to do but it was already too late, they'd already pushed themselves halfway out of the window and weren't even fully ejected.

Without taking into consideration that he was watching a jumper, Wade had to admit that his first thought was how impressive this person's horizontal leap was. Even as their body flinched before it could fully extend to the release full strength of their power they were already thirty feet out from the building. And it's not like they had a running start either so that would have had to be a new leap record for sure.

The body below him twisted in response to Wade, reasonably trying to shift around to face who'd witnessed their crime. 

Much to his surprise, he was faced with the startling bug eyes of New York's well-known arachnid. 


Special thanks to Poiuytre23.

Until next time
~ Shadow-Assassin

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