24 wade

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Wade didn't say a word as he watched Peter pack up. He had implied Peter would stay a few hours and then they'd regroup but Peter was taking things a bit further. As far as Wade had first wanted him to which was great but it was confusing. He silently offered his hands out to take things from Peter, taking first the black backpack packed carefully full of equipment that looked to Wade like it was worth several thousand dollars. He wondered how Peter had gotten it considering how penniless he was when they first met. Not that Peter was doing great by any means but Wade knew the guy was at least getting a few hundred extra in cash flow every couple of weeks from the donations. Realistically, for all Wade knew this equipment was handed down to Peter, a gift from the couple we raised him or an investment that came after the loss of his family.... He didn't really know much about Peter. Not in that sense.

Next was handed Peter's computer sachel. It was actually just an old messenger bag that his laptop was shoved into but hey, reuse recycle... re something? What the fuck were the three R's?

Finally, Peter shouldered a backpack and looked around, going over to his breaker to shut everything but his kitchen off before he grabbed his tripod and looked expectantly back at Wade.

"If some ass tries to break in did you grab everything?" Wade asked, everything specifically referring to anything having to do with Peter's masked identity.

"Obviously." Peter sighed. "I can't afford for anyone to take any of my supplies. Hope you don't mind I'll have flammables in your home."

"Flammable?" He frowned.

"Some of the chemicals I need for the chemistry that makes my webbing is flammable. It shouldn't explode but... you never know."

"Oh." Wade paused, "Your webs aren't
Flammable though?"

"The combustibles stabilize once mixed with the right cocktail. We should go." Peter said leaning toward his street-facing window. "We have a camera pointed our way already. I want to go out the back. That stairwell can't be entered from the ground floor so it should be free of anyone waiting around it." He said and walked toward his front door, looking over his should to make
Sure Wade was following before he nodded for him to step up to walk out first.

He did as instructed and waited a beat for Peter to lock up behind him before the brunette stepped around him to show the stairwell on the opposite end of the floor.

Peter looked at his neighbor's door, brow furrowing for a moment before he turned ahead and continued on. He was limping but hiding it well. He knew Peter was going to pay the price for it later. With each step Peter tugged his wound open, making the scar bigger. He was healing but he wasn't okay. He wouldn't be okay for some time. But the spider didn't have time. He was no stranger to pain, and was cynical at times when others complained about their pain. But this impressed him. Who was Peter Parker to be walking around on a leg wound that could kill him if it became infected?

Peter was a moron, and he couldn't help but romanticize that at the end of the day. But the young man was also strong enough that deep down Wade wondered if Peter couldn't carry his burden higher. If Peter had lived Wade's life, he wouldn't have turned out the same way. Right?

"If you move too fast you'll draw the attention of someone watching." He warned as he followed "Slow down, pace yourself."

"Pace myself?" Peter scowled, lip curling up like he wanted to turn back and snap his teeth at him.

"Just slow down. Stand next to me."

"I don't need you to hold my hand."

He sighed. Well, maybe he wanted to hold Peter's hand. Figuratively and literally, but he'd leave everything where it was. He knew that he was lucky Peter was responding, that he was coming, that he wasn't freaking out more than he already was. He was surprised that he hadn't bought up what had happened leading up to that picture which was causing this current problem. Maybe the reason behind what led Peter to chase him outside the window was too problematic to address.

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