4 Peter

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Peter's heart dropped when he twisted and saw the random masked man sitting on top of his building. He was warmed that the guy was concerned about his well-being, he couldn't say anyone else was. But why did the guy have to see him crawl out of his bloody fucking apartment, damnit!

Should he go up and confront him? He really didn't want to, but was it safe to leave this whole situation hanging in the air? He growled to himself and shot a web at the corner of the building and tugged, shooting himself up into the air. He twisted and shot out another strand to adjust his fall so he'd land on the top of his apartment building a few yards away from the stranger. Deadpool he realized as the red-clad man looked his way. 

He'd heard of the guy now and again and there was never anything good to be said. The public called him an anti-hero, but in truth, he seemed to be a deadly nuisance more than anything. Despite that, he still had a better light on him than Peter did because of the Bugle's defamation. If he had money, he would consider seeing for Libel, but there were technicalities that went along with that considering he had to prioritize his identity in the end. Even if the courts were so kind as to not publicly out him, someone would spill the beans for clout. And then the world would get angry that Spider-Man was nothing more than an average white guy with brown hair. 

"You live here?" The merc asked as he jutted his thumb behind him, his voice squeezed a few notes higher to come off as friendly Peter supposed.

"If I did do you think I'd tell you?" He splayed his hands out to accentuate how stupid the question was with his body language. The thing with masks was that you had to play up the body language in order to convey any of your facial expressions. One day he wanted to make a mask that could display that much with some fluctuations in his eye lenses, but that was a project for when he had a few hours and extra thousand dollars to spare. And as it stood, he was contemplating whether or not to send out a handful of cards, so he was far from that dream. 

"Uh, no." The merc answered curtly. 

He walked towards the man and stopped when there was a fair six feet between them, close enough to be in the conversation but plenty far to make it clear they weren't friendly. He crossed his arms and cocked his head. "Why are you here?"

Deadpool leaned back against an arm and stared back at him casually. "It's a free country, I can sit where I want."

"Sure it is," Peter laughed coldly. "Only the rich and the stupid believe that, but go on."

"Funny coming from a guy wearing the colors of the flag."

"Funny coming from a guy who'd fit right in with the Nazi flag." Peter countered. 

There was a long beat of silence from the mercenary as squinted back at him. Peter felt a stab of jealousy when he realized the man's face was expressive. That wasn't fair.

"Yknow, I was the blonde and blue-eyed kid in school. I don't find the Nazi jokes as funny as the next guy, too many 'out of everyone in this room only Mr. Wilson and Jaden would have survived' throughout school for me to feel anything." Deadpool adjusted his position so he was less open and less welcoming. He pulled one of his legs in to lean on his knee while he looked up at Peter. "My suit is red and black because it hides blood the best, others but mostly my own. Why's your ass blue?"

"Because it would look pretty stupid if I had that webbing pattern on my butt," Peter admitted, looking down at himself.

"Yup." the man agreed, glancing him over before turning his attention towards the street. "That puffy paint for the webbing?"

Peter sighed "Yeah, can't afford to embroider it or something nicer."

"Well it looks nice, you have a steady hand." Deadpool stood then, the movement making Peter tense but he didn't sense anything off. "Well, nice meeting you Spider-Man but I've got shit to do. Sorry for scaring you or whatever. I'll refrain from telling the world where you live. Or don't live, It's none of my business."

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