How you meet: Leo

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You were out walking in the streets of the one and only New York. Why? Well because you were once again put in charge of your 2 brothers (Sorry if you don't have brothers) for a few hours but did they listen to you. No.

So when your parents got home and saw the mess in the living room, they blamed you and started yelling so you went to your room and climbed out your window, and here you are walking down different streets.

As you passed by one ally you saw a van parked in the back and the Foot Clan putting packages in the back.

Being the curious person you are you decided to sneak into the ally and hide behind a dumpster that was closet to the van to listen to the mysterious people.

"Hurry up! My father won't wait forever for you!" A girl yelled, you couldn't see her face because you were behind the dumpster, but still being the curious person you are you decided to peak over the dumpster to see.

"Hey! Who is that!" The girl yelled as she pointed to you. You still couldn't see her face because she was covered head to toe in a metal suit and a face mask. 

"Foot bots attack her, make sure she doesn't make it out of this ally!" She yelled as she got in the van and drove off.

So you tried to run, but you got pulled back by your hair and thrown to the ground.

Then 2 of the foot bots grabbed your arms and pinned you against the wall and another foot bot standing in front of you. The others were standing back but still watching.

"Hey fellas how about you let me go and we pretend that I never saw anything... which I didn't.... and you pretend that I don't exist." you said trying to break free of the 2 foot bots holding your arms.

They only ignored your little 'deal' and the one in front of you pulled out a knife and tried to cut your arm but you kicked his leg and he stabbed the other foot bot by accident.

"Let the girl go Foot Bots!"   a deep voice said from above you.

Then like a speed of light all the foot bots were on the ground and you saw a person standing in the shadows.

"Are you ok Ma'am?"  The voice said.

"Ma'am? Dude I'm not old."

"Haha Well are you ok..."


"Pretty name for a pretty girl. My Name is Leonardo, but you can call me Leo."

"Well Leo can you come out so I can thank you properly Please?" You started walking closer so his figure but he only backed up even more.

"No! No! Don't come closer to me!" he said

"Why not?"

"Because you'll just scream and run like everyone else." You could hear the sadness in his voice.

"Well I'm not everyone else. Come out I promise I won't scream." you said as you put your hands up by your head.

"Only if you promise."

"I Promise, now come on I'm dying over here."

"Haha, ok, ok." And then he walked out from the shadows, you only gasped because you remember you promised not to scream.

"Thank you Leo for saving me, I hope I can see you again but I have to get home." You said as you walked up to him and hugged him.

"Thank you for not screaming and running. and don't worry we will meet again." He said which caused you to blush, before you could respond he was gone.

"Well that was the best walk I've ever been on." you said as you turned to go home.  

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