How you meet: Donnie

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Here you were walking home once again from the library late because you were working on your new science fair project.

You didn't start yet, you only drew ideas and did the planing part.

So now your walking down the street to get home which is a good 5 minutes from your home.

As you were walking past one of the alleys someone grabbed you by your arm and pushed you against the wall.

"Hey boys looks like we got ourselves a pretty one." Fong said. You knew who they were because this was known as purple dragon territory and they mess with anyone they can get their hands on.

"Ugh let me go!" You said as you struggle in his grip.

"And why would I do that. We only want to have a little fun." he said as he tighten his grip.

So you did something you knew would work, and kicked him right in his forbidden zone.

" stupid .....little.... Ugh..." He yelled as he was bent down on the ground. You tired to run only to be thrown against the wall, so you started screaming until you felt a knife against your throat.

"Leave her alone!" You heard someone say from above you. So as you and the 3 purple dragons looked up you saw a person standing their with what looked like a bo-staff in their hands.

"Ugh no not the turtles again!" You heard Fong say as he was trying to get off the ground.

Turtle? You thought to yourself but before you could say anything all the purple dragons were thrown against the walls. Then it was silent.

"Umm... Hello? Anybody their?" You said as you looked around the ally. Then you spotted someone standing under a fire escape.

"You must be the person who saved me? Thank you..."

"Donatello.... But y-you can c-call me D-donnie... I-if you want to." You heard him stutter.

"Well hi Donnie. I'm (Y/N)." You said as you held up your hand for him to shake but he never did.

"Can I at least see the face of my hero?"

"Y-your hero? Ye-- no! No you can't!" He said as he started waving his hands in front of him.

"And why not?" You said as you crossed your arms over your chest, and shifted your weight to one leg.

"Because I don't look.... normal..."

"Come you can't look that bad."

"Yes I can."

"Well let me be the judge of that."

"Fine then. But don't say I didn't warn you." Then he stepped out and you saw the he was human sized.. Maybe a little bigger.. Turtle.

"Aww your so cute!!" You said as you ran up and hugged him. Which made him blush.

"Uhh... Th... Thank y-you." He said between stutters.

"Sorry I just love turtles! Their my favorite animal!" You said as you started jumping up and down, causing him to chuckle at your little hyper fest.

Then you phone buzzed, which was a text from your mom telling you to get home.

"Omg! I have to go! Bye Donnie I hope I can see you again!" You yelled as you ran out the ally.

"Yeah. You will." He said as he jumped back to the rooftops.

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