How you meet: Raph

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You were walking from the gym at night because its been two weeks since you last went because you punched a guy who tried to pick on you because you were a girl.

"I Know I'm going to be sore in the morning." You said as you turned into the ally that leads to your fire escape so you could climb through your window so you wouldn't hear your mom go on about how you need to be more responsible with your actions.

As you turned in the ally you saw three men walking towards a van with a box in there hands till one of them spotted you.

"Krangg what is known as a girl has saw what the Krangg was carrying." the one that spotted you said with a monotone voice.

"Calm down man I'm just going home." you said as they all turned around. "Wait are you guys triplets?"

"Krangg must take what is known as the girl and erase what is known as memories." one of them said as they started walking towards you.

"I don't think so." You said as you dropped your bag and kicked him in his chest, but another came behind you but you quickly turned around and punched him in the face, not knowing it would hurt.

"Ahh! what the hell dude!" You yelled as held your hand against your chest.

As you were holding your hand one of the men kicked you in your side and you fell to the ground but before he could hit you again something knocked him down and you saw sparks coming out of his head.

Just like the first one, the other 2 men were knocked down. Then you saw a Person but his shell was towards you.

"You have a shell?" you asked dumbfounded.

"Dang it!" you heard him whisper, so you quickly got up still holding your hand.

"Hello?" You asked as you started walking towards him but he turned around and you saw he was a turtle.

"Whoa!" you said as you stopped walking to look at him.

"Yeah, yeah I know I'm a turtle. Go ahead run and scream."

"And why would I do that?" you asked as you saw how his scowl turned into a shocked face.

"Well.... I mean... Ugh I don't know its just what I'm use to." he said.

"Well then since you just saved me from being kidnapped could You possibly walk me home."

"Depends on how far I'm walking.'' He said as he started smirking at you.

"Follow me and you'll find out." You said as you went to get your bag with your good hand.

Once you made it to your window, the turtle helped you through and then helped you wrap your hand.

"Thank you for everything... umm.."

"Raphael. But call me Raph."

"Thank you Raph, I'm (Y/N)." you said as you climbed in the bed

"Nice name but you should get some rest its late." He said as he walked towards the window.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." you said already half asleep. He only chuckled and climbed out the window.

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