1. Perrie

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"Pez? Open the door, please?"

I checked my phone. 3AM. I knew she was in; the curtain behind the door was pulled across. She never pulled it across when she was away. I know she could hear me, and I'm pretty sure she hated me. Of course she hated me. I broke her heart three months ago and never gave her a reason why. I just simply said the classic line 'it's not you, it's me.' and took off.

Ten minutes had passed and Perrie still didn't answer. I sat on her step and slumped my back against the door. I would've slept there all night if I had to, I needed to talk to her.

I pulled out my phone and dialled her number.

"What do you want Y/N?"

"I need to speak to you Perrie, please?"

"It's..." She pulled her phone away from her ear for a second to check the time, "nearly quarter past three in the morning. Do we really have to do this now?"

"Yes... because I- I'm not getting into it on the phone. Will you please just open the door."

I heard Perrie sigh and she hung up. A few moments later, I saw the curtain draw back and heard her key in the lock.

"What do you need to say? And make it quick. I'm tired and I'm up for rehearsals in a couple of hours." Perrie's face was pale, with puffy eyes, I knew she had been crying.

"I've come to explain... and to apologise."

"At three in the morning?! Are you insane or just stupid?"

"Perrie, please. Just listen. All I need is five minutes of your time."

Perrie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest in the doorway.

"I was scared. You see it in movies and tv shows, how people fall in love and how perfect it is percieved. I knew that you were perfect for me and I truly did believe you loved me, and please trust me when I say I loved you too, I still do. But I felt like I couldn't promise you what was in the movies and in love songs... I was a pessimist." I paused to shuffle my feet, looking down. "But when I left, I realised you didn't want 'perfect', you took me as I am and all you wanted was me. You took all my flaws, all my insecurities and you fixed me. The moment I walked away I fell apart. I was a fool because honestly, no one makes me feel like you do." I took a deep breath in and dared to look at Perrie. Tears were sliding down her face.

"Is that true? Promise me Y/N, promise me you mean it?" Her voice was cracking.

"I swear on my entire life. I'll do whatever it takes to regain your trust, I can't live in this world without you."

Surprisingly, she took a step forward and put one of her soft hands on my cheek, wiping away a tear that I didn't know was there.

"I'm sick of running away Pez, I'm sick of letting you go. I know I've never been easy and I know I've broken promises but I mean it this time, you've got to believe me." Now my eyes were stinging from crying so hard. "I hate myself. I was cruel and I put myself before you. It was wrong and I can't tell you how sorry I am."

Perrie stroked her thumb across my cold cheek before her lips touched mine. The kiss was soft and spoke a thousand apologies on my behalf. I could taste a mixture of our salty tears and her lip balm. Our lips were locked for a good minute before it came to a natural end. She rested her head against mine and her mouth broke into a tiny smile.

"So does this mean we're back together?" She sighed.

"I hope so." I whispered.

"Me too."

"I'm not gonna lose you again, I'd rather lose my mind."

"I think you have lost your mind, standing out here at 3AM just to apologise." She giggled and it was a sound I had missed so much.

"And I would've stayed here all night if I had to."

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