21. Leigh

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I had one of my migraines again. I got them a lot and when I did, I had to lay alone in the dark. The slightest bit of light or the smallest of noises would cause me pain. All the lights were off and the blinds were closed.

Then my phone began to ring out loudly. I had forgotten to put it on silent. I groaned as the pain intensified in my head.

It took a couple of attempts to find my phone in the darkness. Even though the screen lit up, I didn't dare open my eyes.

"Hello?" I mumbled.


"Leigh?" I had to guess who it was but I could know her voice anywhere, soft and soothing.

"Are you alright? You don't sound yourself." I heard the concern in her voice.

"Not really. I have a migraine."

"Again? You only had one the other day."

"Yeah, I know." I was almost crying.

"I think we need to get a doctor out to see you. Even if he just gives you some strong medication."

"You know I hate doctors Leigh."

"I know babe, I know. But he will help you."

I sighed in defeat. Anything would be better than dealing with this pain every other day. "Do you want me to come over?"

The question left me thinking, even though it hurt my head more. But I finally decided that having her here next to me would make me feel reassured and soothed.

"Yeah." I said quietly.

"I'm coming over now babe. I'll be as quick as I can."

"Okay babe." I mumbled. I hung up and attempted to put my phone on the bedside table. Failing, I left it beside me on the bed. I managed to fall asleep through the excruciating pain. A little while later, I felt a hand rub my back gently, pulling me out of my sleep. I rolled over, hissing in pain to find Leigh sitting next to me with a soft smile on her face.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?"

"Terrible." I started to cry, triggering more pain in my head. I started to feel sick and the room was spinning. My whole body began to sweat as I kicked the covers off me the best I could.

"I've rang the doctor but he can't come out for another two hours yet."

"That's okay."

Leigh crawled into bed next to me and swept me into her arms, and returned to rubbing my back. She pressed a soft kiss to my head, trying not to hurt me any more than I already was.

"Try and get some more sleep for now babe. I'll wake you up when the doctor gets here."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course babe, I don't want you to suffer in pain."

"I love you." I mumbled.

"I love you too babe."

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