15. Leigh

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I was out with Leigh getting some lunch before we went to see a movie together. I was browsing through the menu, looking up at Leigh to find her doing the same. I swear she could feel me staring at her because she looked up at me, before smiling and reaching a hand out to intertwine her fingers with mine.

"What are you going to order?" I broke the calm silence.

"I'm not too sure babe. It all sounds so good."

"It does doesn't it. But right now I could eat anything I'm so hungry."

We both chuckled together. I started to pull on my sweater sleeves. Leigh knew I struggled with anxiety, especially in these kinds of restaurants.

"Are you okay babe?"

"Yeah I think so. Would you be able to order for me? I'm sorry, I just don't want to make a fool of myself."

"Hey of course, don't worry about it baby, you're doing great." Leigh's smile was infectious, causing me to smile through the anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Our conversation was stopped when the waitress came over to our table.

"Hello, are you ready to order?"

The waitress didn't seem to look at Leigh-Anne all that much, but she kept looking at me and smiling, making me feel a little uncomfortable as I shifted nervously in my seat.

Leigh cleared her throat which caught the waitress' attention.

"Yes, me and my partner are ready to order." Leigh spoke bluntly.

"Excellent." The waitress spoke exaggerated, before turning her attention back to me. "What would you both like?"

Leigh picked up the menu and pointed at what both me and Leigh wanted to eat. She passed the menus to the waitress with a stern look before placing her hands back in mine.

The waitress glanced at our hands before smirking and standing still for a moment before she turned on her heel, her ponytail swished as she walked away.

Leigh looked like she was going to commit a murder.

"Babe what's wrong?"

Leigh-Anne pulled her hands away from my grip and folded her arms across her chest.

"Are you serious Y/N?! She was clearly flirting with you!"

"She wasn't flirting... was she?"

"God Y/N, you wouldn't know flirting even if it slapped you across the face! Yes! She was flirting with you and she was eyeing me up as competition!"

"Come on babe, you can't be mad at me, I didn't do anything. If anything, her staring at me really made me uncomfortable."

She sighed heavily. I hated seeing her like this. Her insecurities got the better of her sometimes and I had to reassure her that she's the only person for me. I stood up from my chair and pulled it up around to her.

"Leigh-Anne I love you and only you, okay?" I placed a hand on her thigh. "You're the best thing to ever happen to me. I never want anyone else."

I kissed her cheek, making her giggle. "That tickled."

"Good, I wanted to hear that laugh of yours."

"You're so cheesy." She rolled her eyes playfully.

"You wouldn't have me any other way." I grinned.

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