5. Jade

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"I'm sorry Olivia, I really am but I can't be with you."

"What? Why? We're fine... aren't we?" There were tears forming in my girlfriend's eyes.

"I just don't feel the same way about you anymore. We've lost our spark." I rubbed the back of my neck tensely.

"There's someone else isn't there?"

"W-what? Where did you get that impression from?"

"Come on Y/N, you've been hiding your phone for weeks. And you never even spend any time with me anymore."

"Olivia, there's one thing for sure, I would never cheat on you. I'm not that kind of person. Yes, I have feelings for someone else, I'm sorry. But they don't know I have feelings for them. Because I need to take care of our relationship first. I have so much respect for you Olivia that I would never hurt you on purpose. I hope you know that." I looked deeply into her eyes that once gave me butterflies.

"Okay, I believe you." She whispered. "It's Jade isn't it?"

I couldn't deny it any longer, Olivia deserved the truth. "Again, I'm sorry."

"I hope she makes you really happy and looks after you." She tried to smile before giving me a final kiss on my cheek. "Goodbye Y/N... look after yourself." Olivia stood up from my sofa and exited my house without another word.

I sighed deeply, half with relief that it went sort of okay, and half with guilt for hurting Olivia so badly. I don't know what made Olivia think that Jade would even date me anyway but I knew in my heart that I couldn't be in a relationship with her whilst I was always thinking of Jade.

I pulled myself away from my thoughts and went to lock the front door, heading to bed with my phone. Once in bed I sent a snapchat out to my closest friends. Just a blank screen with the words 'that was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But it was the right choice to make.'

I put my phone down on the pillow next to me to get myself more comfortable in my bed when I heard my phone ping. I looked at the screen. Jade.

Jade: Omg Y/N... Are you okay? What did you have to do? xxx

Y/N: Yeah I'm okay, I just broke up with Olivia xxx

Jade: What happened? I thought you were going to be together forever. She didn't cheat on you did she? Are you sure you are okay? I'm always here for you xxx

Y/N: I feel guilty but it was the right thing to do. No, she didn't cheat. I just didn't feel the same about her anymore. Thank you, I really appreciate it xxx

Jade: Wait, what? What changed? You seemed to be so in love with each other... xxxY/N: I do well at hiding things aha xxx

The last text was merely a hint at hiding my real feelings for Jade, but of course she wouldn't realise that.

Jade: You're not okay... there's something wrong. I know you xxx

Y/N: I'm upset that I had to hurt Olivia. That's the last thing I wanted to do but I needed to do it, it's what was best for both of us xxx

Jade: So why do you not feel that way about her? Was it something she did? Could you never go back and try again? I'm just so confused Y/N xxx

Y/N: There's someone else! Now stop with the questions... please I'm begging xxx

Jade: Oh hell no! Who is it?? Are you dating someone else?! Xxx

Y/N: They don't know. But I couldn't go on with Olivia knowing I had such strong feelings for someone else. Regardless whether I stood a chance with this person or not xxx

Jade opened my message but didn't reply. Surely she couldn't tell it was her through those replies I sent her. I was choosing my words wisely for that reason. I sent her one last message.

Y/N: Sorry for getting stressy with you. I know you're trying to understand and I appreciate you being here for me, I really do. I'm going to get some sleep now so I'll message you tomorrow, goodnight xxx

I put my phone on charge and turned over in my bed. The more I thought about the conversation with Jade and the break up with Olivia, the more I couldn't sleep. I was just laid awake tossing and turning.

Then I heard a quiet knock on my front door. I stayed still as panic rushed through me. Who could be knocking at the door at this time. I was in two minds whether to answer but then another knock pulled me from my thoughts.

I climbed out of bed and headed down the stairs almost silently. The only noise was my heart beating out of my chest. As I reached the door, I sucked in a breath and unlocked it. Opening it slowly, I saw Jade in her coat with the hood up.

I let out a huge sigh of relief when I opened the door wider. "What are you doing here? You gave me a fright!"

"Sorry hun. I wanted the tea."

I rolled my eyes as I stepped aside, letting Jade come in. "How did you even get here?"

"Leigh gave me a lift, I nearly died in that car. Her driving still hasn't improved. I hope you're grateful."

"Wait... you bothered poor Leigh at this time just to get a lift here?"

"Yeah, I told her you broke up with Olivia..."

My heart sank at the sound of Olivia's name. I still felt heavily guilty.

"It's okay, she really doesn't mind." Jade's head tilted to one side cutely and my heart stopped sinking and started to do backflips. I couldn't take all this emotion at once. It was literally messing me up.

"No, it's not that honestly. It's fine. Are you staying over?"

"Do you mind?"

"Not at all. I'll put the kettle on." I wandered into the kitchen and Jade followed, shrugging her coat off her shoulders and placed it on the breakfast bar.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. I just feel guilty. You wanted to see the sadness in her eyes. She clearly thought nothing was wrong, until she thought about it for a couple of moments and then it kind of hit her, all the times I made excuses not to see her and I was always on my phone messaging when I was with her."

"I'm sorry it didn't work out for you Y/N... Who is this other person?"

The abrupt question caused me to stumble and drop the spoon in the cup.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah... sorry, I'm fine. I don't want to really say who. It wouldn't work out anyway." I kept my back facing Jade.

"You're not okay, you're hiding something. You're my best friend. I know you."

"N-no I'm not."

"Turn around."

"I'm making your drink."

"Y/N turn around."

I sighed as I turned to face her. Jade made her way towards me and put her hands in mine.

"It's okay Y/N. You can tell me anything." She gave my hands a gentle squeeze as she looked into my eyes. I gulped loudly.

"It's you Jade."

The brunette nodded, indicating she understood. "I thought it could've been."

"What? How?"

"I don't know, it was just obvious."

"Are you going to leave?"

Jade looked at our intertwined hands. "Does it look like I'm leaving?" She let out a nervous giggle. "Can I kiss you?"

Words failed me, instead I nodded. I managed to close my eyes and move closer until our lips found each other. Feelings that I had never felt before ran through my body like an electric shock. Is this what they say it feels like when you find your soulmate and you feel that spark? Did Jade feel it too?

The kiss came to a natural end and when I opened my eyes, Jade's eyes were wider than mine.

"Wow." Her voice was breathless.

"Did you feel it too?"

"Yes, I did. Let me kiss you again to see if it happens again."

"Any excuse to kiss me again." I rolled my eyes and we both chuckled.

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