Chapter 2-A happy day

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'Come on Athy tell me what is it!' said Cayena out of curiosity. 'You know, i can keep the secret' said Cayena in a suppliant voice, 'Please for your big sis'

'Geez, if you continue like this i'll have no choice but to tell you' replied Athanasia with malice, but aren't you hiding something from me too? 'What do you mean?' replied Cayena in a calm voice, because she knew that Erez would'nt dare to say anything to anyone.

'Im only asking no need to be serious' replied  Athanasia as she sighed, anyways do you know that the annual imperial ball is coming soon?' continued Athanasia with excitement, 'Pff, started Cayena as she started laughing, you know you've been participating in this ball all your life but you're still as excited as someone who never participated'

'I know but we get to meet the others ruling families and the others empires and kingdoms delegations!' continued Athanasia with stars in her eyes. 'I feel like you're gonna have a lot of fun this year' said Cayena as she patted her sister's head while smiling. 'Come on, let's go to the garden!' 


Meanwhile with Erez, 

'I still don't know why im doing this' , said Erez while sighing. 'Why did i even agree to this, Dad is gonna kill me and me too i don't like this idea' continued Erez as he disapeared in a white smoke. 


In the Black Tower with Erez and Lucas,

'Im honored of you here fourth prince' said sarcastically Lucas at the moment he saw Erez. 'Come on, we both exactly why im here' replied Erez while rolling his eyes , 'Is that so? Then i think you need to say it' said Lucas while smirking at him. Ugh seriously, said Erez in his head, why?. 'I-' started Erez with a crisped face, 'I-?' said Lucas still with the same expression on his face, 'I need who?' continued Lucas. 'I need you for Athanasia's birthday which is after the Imperial ball. 'That's what i wanted to hear! Im in!' replied Lucas, 'Im guessing that the (the name of his family-ik it's supposed to be Agriche but still tell me in the comments which one should i choose Solon or Agriche) are invited?' asked Lucas not really for him but most likely for Leilin, 'I don't know i don't make the invitations' replied Erez while disapearing into a white smoke.'Wait what do i when i get there?' asked Lucas.

'When the time comes i'll tell you' replied Erez while completly disapearing. 'Such wise words' said Lucas sarcastically.


Hii i hope you liked this chapter and sorry for the delay. Since schools started i don't think that i will be able to upload that much. Thank you for the support and don't forget to comment your idea or opinion on this chapter!

See you on the next one!🌈💖 

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