Chapter 5- Heinrey Secret Lover p3

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The three of them arrived in a beautiful garden. It was filled with roses, lilies, and many more flowers. Athy and Erez walked in front while Heinrey was walking reluctantly behind. 

Why did I even agree to this? Heinrey thought once again. Athanasia kept telling Heinrey how amazing the garden looked. The trio continued momentarily before stopping in front of a white garden shed with glass walls. A young woman was sitting at a small tea table. 

"Is that your girlfriend Heinrey? She looks pretty and delicate," said Athanasia.

"She's indeed pretty and delicate but more like my fiancée," replied Heinrey.

"Oooh, so you were gonna get married behind our backs?" asked Erez.

Heinrey stopped and ran a hand through his hair.

"No not really, I would have introduced her to you before the wedding I guess," said Heinrey while sighing.

"Can we get in already?" asked Athanasia, "We've been waiting for so long!" she complained.

"I don't think that would be necessary, she's coming," remarked Erez while pointing at the glass structure.

The woman was now outside of the structure and looking directly at them. Heinrey did a little wave and she waved back. Athanasia gasped.

"Is that Navier Ellie Trovi? You're seriously dating her- HUMPPHFF" exclaimed Athanasia before getting muted by Heinrey.

"Hello Heinrey, who are they?" asked Navier, confused.

"Oh," Heinrey looked at Erez and Athanasia, who still didn't process the fact that her brother dated her idol, "Those are my youngest siblings, Athanasia the youngest of the family, and Erez the youngest brother. Unfortunately," said Heinrey while sighing.

"EXCUSE  ME? UNFORTUNATELY?" yelled Erez while placing a hand on his chest and wiping away some tears for a dramatic effect, "How dare you? I feel betrayed in my own home, my brother doesn't even want me and-"

"Yeah, yeah you kind of saw them," said Heinrey, nervously smiling to Navier.

Erez started complaining about everything, from Heinrey to his family and Athanasia was still very excited about the fact that her brother was dating Navier. Heinrey was obliviously tired by this situation so he kept nervously smiling at Navier. Navier was only smiling. The situation seemed very funny to her and she was very happy to meet Heinrey's siblings for the first time.

"Aehm," coughed Navier to bring back the attention to her, "I believe I didn't introduce myself properly, my name is Navier Ellie Trovi and I'm the fiancé of your brother," she finished, bowing in front of them, "It's a pleasure to meet the both of you. I'm very happy to know you." Navier said, with a soft smile on her face.

"It's also my pleasure to meet you, Your Highness!," replied Athansia, slightly bowing in front of Navier.

"No need for the formalities, Athanasia," answered Navier with a smile on her face, "You can simply call me Navier."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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