Chapter 4

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June opened her eyes, she felt tired and weak. Her mouth felt like cotton wool. Her limbs felt like jelly but she could barely remember where she was, she looked up and saw Dmitri seated on the armchair near the bed. His head bowed while he was reading a magazine, her memory flooded back to their first encounter. Her cheeks flushed he was a monster and what was he doing in her room. The last she remembered was falling asleep after he locked her in.

What was he doing here?

What time was it?

She needed to leave. She tried to sit up and moaned. Dmitri stood up and walked toward her. He sat on the bed and touched her forehead,

"You're feeling better I see," he said and for the first time he smiled and the sheer beauty of the man blew her away. She flinched at his touch.

"What are you doing here?" she asked her throat feeling raw and painful.

He continued to smile while touching her throat, "You have been sick,"

"Sick? I have never been sick in my life, what did you do to me?"

He raised an eyebrow, now whom was being suspicious? "You have had a high fever and almost succumbed to hypothermia."

She did not want to believe him but her body was too weak and aching for her to deny that he spoke the truth.

"I need to use the bathroom," she said hoping he would leave but to her astonishment, he pulled away the covers to reveal her naked body and gathered her into his arms.

She screamed," Let me go!" trying to cover herself.

"No need for modesty now June I have seen it all for the last three days." Dmitri spoke wickedly as he looked down at her.

"Three days! I have been sick for three days!"  She squirmed in his arms as he brought her to the toilet and put her on it.

She had modesty and she bowed her head as she stared at her feet; did he want her to ask him to leave?

"I will leave you to it when you're done just call me... He turned to leave but before he said, "Just look at it as if we're even." he left her alone in the spacious bathroom.

It was then that she realised that she was in a different room. June was in shock, this callous man had taken care of her for three days? He was different though, he seemed happier not the monster she had encountered three days ago. She put her head in her hands, she was screwed, and her boss would surely fire her over this she had no way of contacting her or vice versa. Was there a search party for her? Her parents would surely be worried. She had not been sick since she was a child. She had taken ample care to ensure that she never fell sick, because her job demanded it.

She tried to lever herself up and head to the shower because her skin felt clammy. It was difficult but she made it by holding the wall and scrambling on her knees. She would not give him the satisfaction of calling him for assistance. She got into the shower and turned on the spray, ooh this felt good but she so weak she had to lean against the wall. Before she knew it Dmitri was there holding the soap.

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