Chapter 23

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I figured I upload two chapters since I made you guys wait so long.One more chapter and it will end. Thanks for reading!

Zack was out of surgery, the doctor was hesitant to say anything, and he just said that they had to wait. She looked at her son through the glass door unable to comfort him. Her heart wrenched. She stood there for ages until her mother pulled her away to eat something.

"You need to eat June, how can you be strong for Zack if you too are weak." Her mother pleaded with her.

She took the sandwich and sat down,

"Here is some juice, J." May offered. June smiled at the persons gathered in the waiting room. Her family had been a rock of support and she knew that their strength was helping her to pull through this tough time.

"Thanks sis." She said trying to smile but it was small. She had no appetite and barely registered the sandwich she was offered. Her heart was torn. Her son was in recovery and so was his father.

Sofia and Eva walked into the room. They had probably come from visiting Dmitri who still had not woken up yet. Eva looked at her and smiled. Eva was the only one who had heard her confession to her brother.

"How is he?" she asked them.

"He will awaken soon, my son is resilient plus he is too much of a workaholic to be lying in bed for so long." They laughed knowing she spoke the truth. Although Dmitri had been in the hospital waiting with them, poor Franco had been busily taking orders and doing business from the adjoining room which Dmitri had set up like a mini office. He had a knack to set up office anywhere.

While the others mingled, she decided to check on Dmitri to see if he was awake. He was more than awake he was dressed and putting on his shoes when she walked into his room.

'What are you doing?' she asked surprised to see him dressed.

'I am not sick.' he stated matter of fact.

'You can't be released as yet Dmitri, the doctor said 48 hours it's only been a few hours, you need to rest more.' she insisted but he ignored her.

'Is Zack awake yet?' he asked pointedly.

'No he is in recovery, the doctor was non committal about anything.' she added

'I want to see him.' he was pulling a jumper over his head.

'Okay, are you sure you're all right?' she asked concerned that his colour was still a bit pale.

'Fine.' was all he said as he moved out of the room.

She followed him sedately, he was still angry with her. He walked into Zack's room and everyone stopped talking.

"Dmitri what are you doing here?" Sofia asked concerned.

"I am fine mother." He said holding her hand but he kept walking toward the glass to observe his son.

"You did not need to come so soon we would have told you if Zack was awake?" Eva added

"I needed to see for myself, I did not want to miss anything since I have already missed so much." He added firmly and June's heart twisted a bit at his dig.

"Dr Lassiter said by tomorrow Zack would be awake since they have reduced his sedative and hope to have some feedback on his progress tomorrow morning." June said.

 Dmitri looked at her and excused himself to his adjoining office. The cold stare he gave her was still unnerving.

April gave her a hug and she tried to settle. The day wore on and June was restless. Everyone had gone home to rest. Sofia and Eva had gone to Dmitri's new home in Knightsbridge. Apparently he wanted a more family home and this one even had an indoor swimming pool, gym and sauna. The perks of being a billionaire. May had volunteered to stay with her in the hospital. Dmitri had been coming to see their son intermittently but she had not seen him for a few hours now. 

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