Chapter 14

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This chapter is dedicated to Orchissa and MinHuHuo for your comments!!! Thanks so much.

Pic of Gared Thompson played by Brandon Routh.

June was speechless as she was enveloped into Gared's arms.

"I missed you June, I'm so glad to be back." He released her. "The business trip was long and tedious."

June finally regained her speech a she got out of Gared's embrace.

"Um Gared, it's great to see you but I have a previous appointment." She needed to get Gared away before Dmitri saw him.

"What? You forgot our date to go to the new art museum in Chelsea?" Gared looked crushed.

June had totally forgotten about him much less their date. She was becoming a horrible person; she had been dealing with too many things this past week. Her oh so boring life had become complicated.

"Well something came up, I'm headed to my family, we have" June hated to lie to him but she did not know what to say at that point. They were in the lift heading downstairs.

"Okay, I guess family supersedes everything." He agreed readily. June breathed a sigh of relief.

"So can we reschedule for tomorrow." June was stuck. The lift opened and she was hoping Dmitri was in the car hidden away and not waiting outside on the pavement.

She tried to stall Gared as they exited the lift. June tried to walk ahead to ensure that the coast was clear. She noticed a black SUV parked at the entrance and no Dmitri in sight. She smiled and turned to Gared in relief.

"Sure I'll meet you tomorrow at 11 am. I have something to help my sister with so it's best I meet you at the museum since I will be in that part of the city." June was becoming the seasoned liar. She hated herself for it but she needed to buy herself a day at least.

"Sure, 11 am it is." He pulled her into another embrace; she made sure they were not visible from outside.

"Thanks for understanding, see you tomorrow."

Gared grabbed her hand, "Until tomorrow," he was going in for a kiss when her mobile rang. It must be Dmitri wondering where she was.

"Later." She said digging for her phone from her purse. She waved him good bye as she answered quickly.

"Yes, I'm almost there stop rushing me!" she shouted at Dmitri who had not said anything.

She ended the call and left the building. One of Dmitri's guards opened the back door for her as she entered the SUV.

"See right here!" she said arranging her seatbelt next to a very angry looking Dmitri who was waving his phone in his hand.

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