Chapter Six: And now I will never let you go

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After settling down in his green room with Gregory and Ballora, Freddy explained everything. Both to Ballora, which was more just telling her how he ended up as Freddy and to Gregory, which was answering his many many questions. He properly introduced the two as well and made sure to explain how he ended up Gregory's father. From the look of horror on her face Freddy was certain that his mother wanted to cry at the thought of this boy in trouble. He could tell his mother already loved Gregory almost as much as her own children. He even explained that he would prefer to be called Freddy instead of Michael, at least for the time being.

"So he lives here with you at all times?" Ballora asked. They were all sitting on the couch within his green room. But he did give a tour, if you could call it that. All Freddy did was show the actual room itself and the backroom where the charging station and Gregory's makeshift bed was.

"Yes. Of course when the Pizzaplex is open Gregory will roam around. Playing games, enjoying the attractions and eating many different treats. But at closing we do return to my green room." Freddy explained. She wasn't judging anything about their situation, which was a relief. That looming fear that he would be a bad parent was constantly on his mind.

"Sounds exciting. I bet you're really good with the arcade games." Ballora said, looking over at Gregory. Though he looked to be falling asleep. Prior to being called down to the basement he and Freddy were in Roxy Raceway. The boy very much enjoyed beating Freddy consistently. They'd also played in Fazerblaster, which technically Freddy was not supposed to be in there because it is considered cheating. Freddy could understand why Gregory was lacking in energy.

"Mhm! I have the highest score on every game." Gregory said. Freddy could tell he was fighting sleep because his head kept bobbing around and his eyes kept falling shut before snapping open. Of course he lost the fight. Gregory yawned as his eyes closed for the last time before finally nodding off to sleep. Freddy smiled, picking Gregory up carefully and transporting him to his bed.

"So he doesn't go to school? Or leave the pizzaplex at all?" Ballora asked from the doorway, watching as Freddy put his son to bed.

"Not often. No. There is a beautiful field just behind the pizzaplex that we do frequent. But aside from that Gregory remains in the pizzaplex. It is not safe for him to be out in the world alone and I am...unable to leave this facility." Freddy said, leading her back to the green room to not wake Gregory. "I know it is...not ideal. For him to be isolated from society. But he is happy here, he is safe. Besides, school would be a formality for him, not an experience. He is a genius. I am certain of it."

Ballora nodded, but she didn't say anything. Did she not approve? It was possible. Freddy knew that she always stressed the importance of school. He remembered her disappointed looks when he'd get suspended or come home with bad grades. 'You're a smart kid, you just have to try' she'd always say. He knew she was right. It was never that he didn't understand the work, he just did not care.

He always loved his mother. She was kind and compassionate. He liked spending time with her. But she was absent. Constantly working. He understood of course. Father was opening up the diner with Henry, someone had to be the source of real income until things took off with Fredbears. But he had been a child, and he had been angry. Then the world started falling apart and she was gone.


School had ended well over an hour ago, Michael was sitting on a bench outside of the principals office. His knuckles were bruised and bleeding on his left hand and there was blood dripping from his nose, the result of a fight he got into on his way to the last class of the day. His mother was in the office, speaking with the principal. They'd been in there for a while, it made him nervous. Typically it was Michael's father that picked him up from school and dealt with the principal since Clara was often working late at the dance studio. But she had to leave early anyways for some stupid mother daughter thing with Elizabeth.

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