Chapter Four: I still hear her sometimes.

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Chica watched as Freddy walked towards his green room with Gregory and Ballora and smiled. It must be exciting to see his family again. But she noticed Circus Baby stopped in Rockstar Row with the rest of them, not following Freddy. It made her question their relationship. He did specifically name Circus Baby as one of the ones who had to stay away from Gregory.

Circus Baby turned around and found Chica staring. "I know what you're thinking. Mikey and I have always had a strained relationship. We used to be very close when we were little. But he got older and distant from me and CC. Things got worse after the accident. I wasn't very nice but...Mikey still loved me anyway. Even when he was being mean. When I died...I felt so alone and angry. I wanted him to know what it felt like. I wanted him to hurt like I did. I don't think he's forgiven me for tricking him and trying to kill him. It's okay though, I'm just happy he's not gone forever."

"Of course he hasn't forgiven you. Have you forgotten you're a psychopath?? The only reason I fixed you was for Ballora." Ennard said, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, that's not nice." Chica said, moving to pull Circus Baby into a protective hug. "I highly doubt psychopath is the correct term for her. And, for the record, Freddy is the most loving, friendly, forgiving and all around caring guy I know. If he hasn't forgiven you yet I'm sure he will, Circus Baby."

The clown girl looked up with excited eyes. She had a permanent smile but at the moment it looked like it was a genuine one. Chica didn't know if what she was saying was the truth. She wanted to believe it was. The Freddy she knew couldn't hold a grudge, he was so quick to forgive Chica and the others for trying to kill Gregory after all. But she did witness him try to murder Ennard just days ago so it was not a certainty anymore.

"This place is so vibrant and fun. Ah yes, I could get used to this." Funtime Foxy said, entering Rockstar Row and immediately laying on the cushioned bench around the Glamrock Freddy statue. "Can I see the rest of your palace?"

"Um yeah sure. We can give you guys a tour" Roxy shrugged. It's not like they had anything better to do after all, the pizzaplex was closed. Plus it would be better than letting them wander aimlessly.

"If it's okay with you guys, Rox, I'm gonna skip out on the tour. Tune my guitar and stuff kay?" Chica said.

"Yeah alright, sounds cool. Monty, be my co-tour guide?"

"Right on dude. I'd love to." Monty said, following Roxy and the Funtimes to the exit.

The pair waved to Chica before disappearing through the hall. Chica let out a sigh and turned to go to the rehearsal room instead, shrieking as she noticed Circus Baby behind her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Circus Baby said, looking down.

"It's fine, you're okay." Chica said. "You aren't going on the tour?"

"No, I don't think I'm wanted. Can I see you practice? We didn't have instruments at my old pizzeria. I've seen older animatronics play them but you're new and move so different than we do"

"If you really want to, yeah sure. I'm okay with that" Chica said, holding the rehearsal door open for Circus Baby open. She had that same childlike attitude Chica noticed in Ennard earlier. Did it have to do with having a soul? Does that mean Ennard had one too? But Freddy wasn't childlike and Chica definitely knew he had a soul.

Circus Baby walked into the room and looked around in awe. Roxy's keytar and Monty's bass were still laying out near the open vent. Chica picked them both up and put them where they were meant to go before grabbing her guitar. "If it's okay to ask, how old were you? When you died, I mean. You are...dead right? Freddy said he's kinda dead so I just assumed..."

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