✜ㅤ──ㅤ﹙𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟕﹚

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After they were done with dinner, Taehyung offered his hand to the younger, "May I?" Jeongguk giggled before putting his hand in the other's. Soon they were swaying their bodies with the slow rhythm. Much time had passed and it was time for the confession.

"Bun, have I ever told you how beautiful and enchanting your doe eyes are? That I feel drowning deep in those," Taehyung started while the brunette was looking at him with curiosity, as to why suddenly the older was being cheesy. His cheeks were having a red tint. He kept quiet letting the ravenette speak.

"And about your cute boopable nose. It's adorable, whenever you crunch your nose. And along with your cute nose crunch, the way your puffy cheeks puff out more just adds more to your beauty. Do you know that? Also, the redness that is spread all over your cheeks. Uff! Just makes me want to bite those." The ravenette let out a chuckle saying so.

"Your luscious-cherry lips, the softness it carries whenever you kiss my cheeks out of happiness, is just the best thing ever. And your little mole right under your lower lip just makes you look more than perfect. Your adorable bunny smile shows off all your fine teeth. Uff! That one smile just takes my heart away. And lastly, your forehead, it seems like a favorite stop for my lips to always plant a kiss in there." Jeongguk's heart was beating erratically upon hearing those confessions from his bestest friend. He felt dizzy with all the emotions working in him and his red cheeks were not helping either.

"But you know what is even more beautiful and precious to me than all your facial features? Your heart, your persona, your goofiness, your jealousy, your possessiveness, your love, your care for me. And everything that you do for me out of pureness and adoration. It just drives me crazy, Angel. So crazy that I just can't explain it. Your little to big things, important to baseless things, just make my heart go crazy and it wants nothing but to come out of my body.

"It runs a marathon, whenever I think about you, see you. Anything about you is enough for butterflies to run in my stomach. It might be hard to digest and I might be losing everything, but listen carefully.

"I, Kim Taehyung, madly, deeply, truly, and undoubtedly, love you, Jeon Jeongguk, more than just a friend. I am crazily in love with you, not as a friend, not out of adoration, but as a lover. I want you to be my soulmate for the rest of my life. My better half, my life partner. I love you more than anyone has ever loved someone in this universe."

Taehyung did it, at last. He let out everything he had in his heart. He felt happy but more than that he felt satisfied and relieved. Even if Jeongguk might never love him or be his, he at least was brave enough to confess his feelings. And he was content with that.

However, Jeongguk was blown off due to the entire thing. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought that the older would someday come and confess like that. That too when his marriage was already fixed. He surely felt an immense feeling in his heart. His stomach also did many flips, and somewhere in his heart, he was happy and blessed to know about the other's feelings toward him. He then realized whom the older was talking about when he asked if the ravenette had found love or not, he understood the purpose of everything being extra that day.

But he could not digest the fact that the person whom he always saw as an elder one, as a role model, and best friend; would love him as a lover. He could not give back that love to the older male. Rather it was more than a sin for him to even think like that when he had his destined one waiting for him, in the form of Jackson. He felt all these wrong. His Hyungie should not love him. How could he even love him when he knew that the brunette was getting married?!

He was getting twisted within his confused feelings, his thoughts, his marriage, and his Hyungie. His thoughts were haywire and his feelings were not helpful either. He immediately let go of the older and stepped away from him.

Taehyung was not really surprised, he did expect such a reaction from the younger. He could even see the rejection coming, but he did not care about that. Rejected or accepted, he would never stop loving the younger. Never!

Before Jeongguk could say or do anything, the ravenette spoke again, "It's fine if you don't reciprocate the same, I just wanted to confess and I did it. That's enough for me. At least, you know what I have for you in my heart. No matter what, I would still love you the same."

Taehyung was waiting for some reply, but what the ravenette did not expect was Jeongguk crying and mumbling, "No, no, no. You can't love me. It is wrong. I can't love you. I can never." Without letting the older male have any chance to comfort him, the brunette ran away from the venue. The ravenette, at least, deserved a proper yes or no. He also ran behind the younger, worried that the younger might get lost or something. But before he could reach the younger, Jeongguk already got into a cab and went away home.

Sandy came running to Taehyung and asked what happened. But the male could not answer, as he did not get any proper answer as well. Though he was sure that if anything, the answer was not at all a "yes". Sandy felt bad for the ravenette, he knew how much the male loved Jeongguk. And knowing that his pure love got nothing but the rejection was horrible. Even though Taehyung was prepared for it, Sandy could feel the other's heartbreaking and soon he hugged the ravenette, who hugged back.

"It's okay, I am there. Always. Okay?" Sandy said while patting his friend.

"Hey, buddy! I am alright, trust me, I am. Just worried about Bun. It's fine," the ravenette replied and backed away. "You don't worry, okay? I gotta go and check on him. Also, Uncle gave me the responsibility for the arrangements, so yeah! See ya! Take care!" With that, Taehyung rode his bike and left for his home.

Sandy smiled sadly while looking at the disappearing bike, "You are a great actor, Kim! You masked your emotions well. I hope Jeongguk can see your unconditional love for him. God, please, somehow connect their ways." The male hoped and prayed for his friend, as he could not see them in despair.

Upon reaching home, Jeongguk directly went to his room and immediately locked it. He did not know how to deal with all that. He felt miserable. His marriage was within 4-5 days, his heart and mind were giving off twisted emotions and thoughts, and his Hyungie had feelings for him romantically. He did not know what to do or think about all that! But he was sure of one thing, he was not stopping the marriage or would let anyone do so.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was concerned for the younger. By the time he reached there, the younger's mother informed him that Jeongguk was already asleep, and the ravenette did not want to wake the male up. He silently went to the brunette's room and sat on his knees beside the younger's sleeping figure, admiring his face under the moonlight.

"I am sorry, Bun. If my words hurt you in any way. It was never my intention. It is okay if you can't return the feelings but stay as my friend, as my angel. Hmm? I am happy with that only." Taehyung cried out, he noticed the dried tear stains on the brunette's cheeks. He wiped those off with a frown.

"You cried, Angel? But why? Did Hyungie make you feel that bad? I am sorry, my love. It hurts too much to see you sad. I will not come near you if you want, but don't be sad, hmm? Now sleep, from tomorrow starts your last days here. Goodnight, my Bun. Have a safe and sound sleep." With that, he placed a kiss on the younger male's eyes, forehead, cheeks, and nose. And then left the room, with tear-filled eyes and a broken heart.


Assalamu Alaikum, everyone. New part is here. Few more parts might be there. I know I said just two more parts, but my mind suddenly took a different route and I was on cloud nine as I sat down to write and out of mood, I went on writing and writing. That things took a different turn, thus, there would be few more parts.

Thus, yeah, do vote and comment if you liked the part. And stay tuned for next parts. Double might be coming, or maybe not. No promises yet. Anyways, meet you in the next part. Till then stay safe and healthy. Take care. Have a nice day/night ahead. Allah Hafeez.

- Wolfin.

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