✜ㅤ──ㅤ﹙𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎﹚

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The next day, when their eyes met, then as well, it took all Jeongguk's willpower to not directly go and hug the older male and say how much he loved the ravenette when he saw the pain in Taehyung's eyes. But he just could not. Thus, he went away with Jackson from there quickly.

As the brunette was passing by he heard some relatives from Jackson's side gossiping:

"Who is that handsome black-haired guy?"

"I heard he is the childhood friend of the bride."

"Childhood friends or something more?"

"Who knows? The way he is acting, it seems more than that only."

"Now what can we even say? Boys these days are like that only. In front of everyone, they roam around as Hyung or Friend, but behind the scenes, it's all Baby and Darling only."

Jeongguk's blood boiled hearing all those nasty and baseless comments regarding his love. He just could not tolerate it. How could they speak like that? They got no right to accuse his Hyungie like that. He was going to teach them a lesson but he stopped when he overheard the conversation between Taehyung and Sandy. He felt all his anger gone when he heard how much the older loved that he would never hate Jeongguk.

"You should hate me, Hyungie. I don't deserve someone precious like you." The brunette said to himself.

The first day's gossiping was nothing, with every day, the comments started to get nasty as Jeongguk could not handle all that and thus, decided that Taehyung should go away from there, he did not deserve to hear such cheap comments. Thus, that night he called the ravenette to ask him to leave from there. He did not know in what ways he could ask the ravenette because either way, his true feelings would come out to the other. And he could not take that risk.

Therefore, he pulled such a stunt and pretended that he did not like the older's presence around him. As he knew Taehyung could do anything for him, so it was the only option for him. After the ravenette left, kissing his forehead, he fell on his knees, cursing himself that how much of cruel he was to hurt the person he loved the most. He was sure that the ravenette would hate him for real but he cried more recalling how when the older softly kissed him and declared that he would always love the younger no matter what.

The next day when it was learned that Taehyung was nowhere to be found, everyone started to look for him and call him. But those were of no use. Jeongguk's heart was tearing apart thinking about the ravenette, as he was the one responsible for the older's disappearance. However, he still pretended everything was fine with him.

It was time for the wedding, thus, everyone thought that Taehyung would come around. But the auspicious time was passing away, so they should focus on the wedding for the time being. Jeongguk was sitting in his dressing room when Sandy barged in there.

"You! You are responsible for all these, right?!" Sandy accused the younger male. He was so furious with the brunette he could not explain. Taehyung was a whip for him, but Sandy was not. He would give the younger male a needed piece of mind. His friend was not a puppet of Jeongguk that the younger would do whatever he wanted.

Jeongguk just stayed quiet, he did not want to argue with Sandy. "Come on, speak the fuck up, Jeon Jeongguk! Why did you do this? Wasn't breaking his heart enough? Huh?!" The older male yelled. He was not liking the silence of the brunette.

"You know what? That moron is hopeless. Even after all your harshness and ignorance, he says he would still love you. But he doesn't know that people like you don't deserve love, you deserve hate! Just hate! Precious souls like Tae don't deserve a heartless like you!" Sandy could not help but burst out. He could not believe the younger would be so heartless to do such a thing.

"You are right, Sandy Hyung. I don't deserve his love. He deserves the whole world and more. But I am an unlucky person who can never give that to him. Even if I want to, I could never give him the happiness he wants from me." Jeongguk, at last, let his guard down. He could not handle the harsh words of the older male.

Sandy was confused and immediately went near the male. He grabbed the younger by his forearms and asked, "What do you mean, Gguk?! Speak clearly!" Jeongguk looked at him with tears in his eyes. And it did not take long for the other to realize that the younger loved his friend as well. His eyes and the pain in those were the evidence of that fact.

"You love him too, right? You love him as well." Jeongguk just cried more hearing the older. "Fuck! Why didn't you say this before?! Why did you push him away and not break off the marriage?! Are you nuts?!" Sandy was rebuking the older.

"Because I can't be selfish, Hyung. I don't want to let my dad down in front of Uncle Shin!" Jeongguk replied.

"What do you mean?" Sandy asked and then the brunette told everything to him. That, how much the marriage meant to his father.

"Hyung, this is my fate. I loved someone who is not in my fate. Please, I beg you, Hyung. Let's keep this to ourselves only. No one should know about this. Not even Hyungie or anyone else. Please, do me this favor. Please?" The brunette pleaded to the older, he did not want all his sacrifices to go in vain.

"You both are idiots, Gguk. One doesn't want to claim his love. And one doesn't want to be claimed by his love. And both are suffering only. This won't take you both anywhere but pain. Mark my words!" With that, Sandy left the room leaving behind a crying Jeongguk.

Finally, they were at the altar. Jeongguk was looking like the angel he was. And Jackson was looking like a prince as well. Guests were waiting for the priest to start. But the brunette could care less. His mind and heart were yearning for one person: Taehyung.

"Do you, Jeon Jeongguk, take Wang Jackson as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked. As the words were said, Jeongguk closed his eyes as his entire life with his Hyungie played like a movie in his head.

With a deep breath, he finally said the word, "Y-yes, I do." That was it. He felt his heart was crushed into a million pieces and his breathing stopped. He was then no longer Taehyung's precious bun anymore.

"Do you, Wang Jackson, take Jeon Jeongguk as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked the other groom.

"No. I don't. I don't want to marry Jeon Jeongguk."


Assalamu Alaikum. Here you go another part. Jackson rejected Jeongguk. What did happen actually? To know that we gotta wait for next part. Stay tuned and safe and healthy. Take care. Have a nice day/night ahead. Allah Hafeez.

- Wolfin.

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