First Day Back

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  Jonnie's POV

We were gazing up at the sky, watching the clouds and making them into figures.  I couldn't help, but get sidetracked by the birds and their beautiful wings soaring through the air.  I wish I could be a bird and fly, to just to know what it feels like to be able to feel the wind in your face as you soar over mountains and lakes.  To feel free and amazing.

"Kacy do you ever want to just be a bird and fly away from here?"  I asked.

"Of course, but aren't there airplanes for that."  She says sarcastically and we both laugh a little.  I sigh and look back up at the sky.   

"Hey its about time to get going school will start any minute."  She says nudging me to get up.

"Ok."  I say and get up from my laying position.  I grab my backpack and search through it getting my keys to the car.  We walk over to the car and hop in.

By the time we get to school everyone is hurrying to class.  We rush to our class and make it just in time.  I really liked my classes this year because for one I have at least one of my friends in every class and the other is that Kacy is in all of mine.  I hope this year turns out great.

"Ok so everyone to the back of the room I'm going to give you your seats." the teacher says as everyone enters into class.  I muted her out until my name was called.

"Jonnie you sit here.  Kacy you sit here."  She said.  So far this was great I ended up sitting across from Kacy in my first class.  Oh I should tell you my schedule: Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, Science, Spanish, and P.E.

After a while of pushing through crowds I got to the cafeteria.  I bought lunch and went over to my group of friends Ethan, Kacy, Lola, Emma, Noah, Andrew, Ryan and his girlfriend Abby.

"Hey guys."  I said.  I sat down between Kacy and Noah where I usually sit.

"Heyyy."  Everyone said back.  We had conversations here and there while we ate.

"So how are your classes so far Jo Jo?"  Noah asked me.  I couldn't help but smile when he called me Jo Jo.

"Oh there good.  How are yours?"

"Good I just wish we had more classes together."  I agreed.  I couldn't help but wish we were together I mean I always day dream what it would be like to date him to kiss his perfect lips.  I tried my best not to stare at him, but it was hard.

"Yeah me too."  I say trying not to act like I was just day dreaming about him.  Its so embarrassing I really hope he didn't notice.  Maybe Kacy was right maybe I do drool over him sometimes. Hes just soo dreamy.  We talked for a while more until the bell rang pulling him away from me as he rushed to class.   As I walked to class pushing through crowds with Kacy I accidentally bumped into Jessica.

"Oh sorry."  I said even though I really didn't care.

"Watch it bitch!"  She hissed.  I really wanted to do something about it like punch her in the face.

"Don't worry about it Jonnie come on lets go."  Kacy whispered to me.  I just nodded and we walked around her.  I could feel her glaring at me like I did something terribly wrong and I'm going to pay for it.  I  tried my best to take my mind off of it, but it was hard I knew what she was capable of. 

When we got to class it was the same thing all over again you get seats and the teacher explains what you need for this class and what you'll be doing.  I slouched in my seat bored and a little bit scared I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but I felt like she was going to do something terrible.

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