Light Bulb

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Jonnies POV

After three months into the year Noah totally blocked me from his life and it wasn't just me it was our entire group.  He blocked everyone.  I heard that his friend showed him pictures of 'my room' as well and since it was another one of his friends he chose to listen to him.  I tried my best to get over him, but its been hard he wasn't just a crush he was one of my best friends.  He stoped sitting next to our group at lunch and he doesn't text any of us anymore.  He still doesn't look at me.  I try to get his attention, but I've given up.  Jessica probably told him even more about me and I bet he believed those lies too.  I wish he listened to me and none of this ever happened, but it did and I have to live with it.


Kacy's POV

I feel really bad for Jonnie I know how much this hurts her.  I wish I could do something about it, but every time I try to talk to Noah he just says oh im over that or whatever, but I really think he isn't.  I don't know what happened to Noah I mean I would never expect him to do something like that.  Talking about him there he is.

"Noah!"  I called over to him.  He turned his head and saw me he waved and walked over to me.

"Hey Kacy."

"Listen I need to talk to you."  He just rolled his eyes and waited to hear me out.  "Look I don't think this will help, but I'm trying and you got to listen to me.  Jonnie did like you, but she never did anything that creepy trust me I've been in her room." 

"Yeah ok.  I don't really care anyways.  Tell her I say hi."  Then he walked off. UGHHH! I wish he would listen to me.  I looked over to see Jessica flirting with him. Noah just brushed her off and didn't pay much attention to her.  It took me a minute,  but a light bulb turned on and I got an idea.  I looked at the picture that Jessica sent to everyone that was supposed to be Jonnie's room.  It didn't look anything like Jonnie's room. Hmmm... I thought to myself.

After school I followed Jessica home.  I hid whenever she turned around, but it wasn't that often.  When she went in her house I tried to see where she was going.  Then I found her bedroom window.  AHHHA!   I found it exactly what I need and then I snuck off.

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