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Chapter 2:

"Phoenix Hayes." Marcus Eaton an Abnegation man called. Her heart sped up as she stood walking across the stage in her usual white blouse with her black skirt and jacket. She looked at Candor's glass shards repesenting transparency. She looked at the life she was leaving behind, and then she grabbed the stainless steel knife. She observed the way the light glinted on the blade before dragging it against her palm. Her father watches her with angry eyes. He was the one of the main reasons she wanted to join Dauntless, so she could get stronger to defend hersef and others in her position , her father a liar , he pretended to be loving in public and around Peter but when Peter was gone at his friends house she was the subject of abuse. She has scars from him that will never fully heal. Emontional scars and physical scars were very different, but they inflicted the same damage. She had both. She looked at her father with cold eyes and a sickely sweet smile bordering on psychopathic.

You do not control me , I control myself.

She let her blood fall on the hot coals savoring the sizzle of victory. The Dauntless crowd cheered loudly. She joined Peter in the back. He patted her back and handed her a bandaid. She was free. After the last name was called the Dauntless ran out the doors. Phoenix ran , running along side the blone Abnegation girl. She recognized those big brown eyes, but where has she seen them? Phoenix thoughts were halted when she started climbing the beams of the train platform. This was happening she was almost Dauntless.

Phoenix pulled herself in behind Christina who was a fellow Candor she greets Phoenix in a small wave knowing Phoenix doesn't really talk that much. The only one still on the track was the blonde Abnegation girl. Christina helps the Abnegation girl up and then suddenly Phoenix remebers her name. "Your Beatrice Prior ,right." Phoenix asks the blonde Abnegation girl. "Yea , I am." Beatrice responded back to Phoenix. "I'm Phoenix Hayes , your mother did my aptitude test." After that all three girls sat in silence trying to catch their breaths and then they hears an older Dauntless woman say , "Get ready to jump." Phoenix looked at Christina and Beatrice and laughed. "We can jump together if you want?" Phoenix offered. She was taken up on said offer and the three girls crashed into the gravel. She sat up on her palms and her elbow was scratched. She looked towards the corwd and saw Peter looking at her mouthing , 'Are you okay?' Phoenix nodded and then joined the crowd that was near the ledge. They were gathered in front of a him boulder. This boulder was tall enough to make her feel like a little kid. He had black segmented thick line tattoos on the side of his neck and a maze tattoo on his right forearm. He was pale like ivory, his lips were pink and full he had gages in both ears and studs above his left eyebrow. He had biceps the size of her head and hard blue eyes. The way he stood with his back straight and the way he glowered over everyone gave him an air of intimidation.

When he spoke his voice was in a sort of stiff tone like a general talking to his platoon. He said the only way to get into Dauntless was by jumping through a hole in a building. A hole. In a buildings roof. Sounds safe. He looked aeound saying, "No one?" as none stepped forward. Beatrice volunteered to be first jumper. "Yeah stiff take it off!" Phoenix heard from far away. It was none other than her brother Peter as Bea took off her gray jacket. Then he said, "No put it back on!" in a fading tone. Phoenix looked over at her brother frowning at him. He caught his sister gaze then looked away. "Who's next?" the Dauntless leader with the big muscles asked. Without a word Phoenix took off in a sprint and jumped. Flipping in mid air showing off on purpose. When she landed she bounced high out of the hole beofre landing on a net. A Dauntless member pulled down the net for her. "What's your name Candor?" He asked he was also scary looking. His eyes were also blue but a diiferent shade of blue. He had a stiff demeanor about him. "Phoenix." She said. He turned and walked away from her to yell. "SECOND JUMPER , PHOENIX!"

So when all of the initiates landed all the transfers and Dauntless borns were separtaed. Dauntless borns with Lauren while we were stuck with Four. His name is a number. Phoenix wasn't sure if he was joking or not. Christina made fun of his name. He glared daggers at her and that she needed to shut her mouth. Phoenix glared at him and he had caught on. "Is there a problem, Phoenix?" She quirked her left eyebrow out of habit and crossed her arms over her breast. "Nope." She said sarcastically. He turned them out. They went to their 'sleeping quarters' to change out of their clothes into Dauntless black and dark red. Phoenix picked out her clothes before she changed. She stood infront of Tris as Tris dressed slipping her pants on under her gray Abneagtion dress. "Nice legs Stiff." Peter said and I just gaped. "Peter Hayes!" I yelled my eyes wide. "What I was just commen-" I walked over to him. "You were raised better than that!" I was scolding him. "What would mom say-" Peter looked at me with angry eyes he started stepping towards me and I stepped back. "Mom wouldn't have said anything because she was never there." my face was red now he was really angry with me I could tell because he also was turning red his eyes narrowed. We were twins but he was older by four minutes, he often thought that he could boss me around because of it. I turned on my heal and dressed in silence. I hid behind a corner and got dressed I hoped no one saw. I was a little self conscious about my body. I prefred to wear baggy t-shirts I had lucked out by finding a dark red crew neck T-tshirt. I paired it with skinny black leggings and a pair of lace up black boots. We threw our clothes in a burn pile on our way to the cafeteria. I thought that was wasteful we could give them to the factionless or back to the factions but nope.

In the cafeteria I sat by Chris and Bea, and Will and Al. I watched her as she grabbed a hamburger patty with a fork.
I tapped her shoulder. "Tris, you do it like this." I said as I constructed the burger for her. "Its better if you put ketchup between the patty and the bun." I told her. We started talking about our old factions, Four scolded us. "I don't want to hear about your old factions, you're Dauntless now." he said. "Yes mom." I said in a fake submissive tone. He glared at me. The action was Reciprocated. Tris spoke up, "What faction were you from?" she asked and Four glared at her. "What makes you think you can talk to me?" he snapped. "Must be because you're so approachable." she said 'yeah, as approachable as a bed of nails.' I thought. The first stage started tomorrow. I was anticipating the fights.

We were practicing blocking and dodging when the Dauntless leader with the neck tattoos came in, he cleared his throat. "Enough of that. Lets have some real fun." he said with a sadistic look in his eyes. Four cut his eyes at the leader, "Eric-" Four was cut off by the icy glare that The leader, Eric gave him. We weren't in even numbers I noticed as I looked around.

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