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Paint. bright blue paint framed by a black trim, I busied myself with painting three ravens flying diagonally, it's been three years since most of my friends died, and life had moved on as expected, I stood in the small room of mine and Eric's home. We got married last at the end of last year, and I found out I was going to have twins, a boy and a girl. Eric was shocked at first, he wasn't good with normal sized people, much less two squalling naked mini humans that demands to be fed every hour almost. he eventually warmed up to the idea though, he still had his doubts, and I tried to reassure him, it was okay.

"Babe? I'm home!" I smiled, picking my swollen bloated pregnant body off the ground, "In here!" I said smiling, I had paint everywhere, in my hair, on my neck, pants, and hands, Eric came in smiling and wrapped his arms around me. in that moment I realized, all of the loss, all of the pain and destruction was worth it, because our children would grow up in a safer world that what we grew up in.

"I love you Uriah Beau Coulter , I love you Beatrice Rose Coulter." Eric cooed to the small mini humans that I was carrying.

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