Tournament of Elements : Chapter 3 - An Unexpected Reunion

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"Dad?!" Katarina asked, shocked. She was so confused right now.

"Woah, this is your dad, the one you were talking about last night?" Turner asked her, trying to get a good look at her face. She nodded to him, trying to recover from her initial shock.

"I'll join you in a bit, Turner. Save my spot for me." She told him. He nodded, using his speed to get out of the arena quicker.

"I had a feeling you were here. The only one to have discovered the meaning of the Anacondrai Creed was you." Garmadon pointed out.

"And Chen said a former pupil has returned to the island. I knew you were, I just..." She paused, not wanting her tears to overwhelm her. "Didn't want to believe it."

"You didn't want to believe I was here?" He asked her gently.

"No! I mean yes! I mean-Augh!" She groaned in frustration. She turned away from him and hurriedly began walking, not wanting to continue the conversation further.

"Katarina!" He called out to her. She didn't stop walking, ignoring him. There were too many thoughts racing through her head; she needed to get out of that arena before she suffocated. When she came out of the arena, a hand held her wrist, making her stop.

She turned her head around and looked at him directly in the eyes. She pulled her hand away from his grasp.

"Maybe I didn't want to believe you were alive," she almost yelled. "I've spent nearly 4 decades believing you were dead." She looked away from him. "That was, until a man named Lord Garmadon came into the city, hurting people. Guess you've been busy."

His mouth turned dry at those words. "The Great Devourer's blood turned me evil. I barely had control over myself. I didn't have much of a choice. But I'm back to normal now. I'm not that person anymore, thanks to my son-"

"Son?" Katarina turned around and raised an eyebrow at her father. "Since when did you and Misako have a son?"

"Right, you didn't know," Garmadon muttered quietly. He cleared his throat and pointed to Lloyd. "Katarina, this is my son, Lloyd. Your adoptive brother."

Her and Lloyd's eyes widened. Lloyd looked at his supposed sister, then his father. "What?! You never told me about," He moved his hand up and down at her. "Her!"

"Why didn't you tell me about Lloyd? The whole time I was gone, and this is one of the things you chose to never tell me about?!" She said to her father in an upset tone.

"You suddenly disappeared nearly 4 decades ago. I did not know where you were." Garmadon said calmly.

"That's no excuse to not tell Lloyd about me!" She sighed angrily. "Why didn't you tell Lloyd?"

"I never told Lloyd because-"

"You were afraid of how I might react?" Lloyd narrowed his eyes at Garmadon. "Well, thanks for letting me meet my sister, Dad. Couldn't have gone better!"

"Lloyd-!" Garmadon started, but his son angrily stormed out of the arena. Katarina groaned angrily and walked in the direction Turner had taken a short while ago. Kai, Jay, and Cole came up to Garmadon, confused and worried looks on their faces.

"That went well." Jay said sarcastically, and Cole harshly elbowed him in his shoulder, earning a yelp of pain from the Blue Ninja.

There was a sad look on Garmadon's face as he looked at the trio. "I really messed up this time."

Garmadon knocked on the doors of Katarina's suite. "Katarina, can I come in? I want to talk."

There was no answer from the other side.

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