Update 12/22

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Hey folks!

So at the moment, I haven't had much time to write between finals and holidays, but more chapters are being worked on.

However, instead of releasing new content over the next month or so, I will be focusing on rewriting some of the first chapters in this book! Partially because they're over a year old and I write much better now as well as I read them over and I... don't really like how some of them flow??

The overarching story won't be changing and the plot won't either, I just want to go back and clean some stuff up. This will mostly just be editing scenes that do/don't show up already and tidying up Kit's backstory since I've FINALLY fleshed it all out instead of just having a vague idea.

I'll end up deleting this note after I rewrite those chapters (all of which will have some sort of notation that I've done so), and any new content besides a possible Christmas special will be posted sometime after New Years.

Love y'all lots and have a happy holidays!

- meow__mix -

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