Chapter 1

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I walked down the street with Kate. As we walked down the street. "Oh my mom's calling," Kate said as she picked up her phone. "Hey, Mom!" Kate said answering the phone. "Yeah, I, uh, I am. I was gonna stop by my place and then come see you." She paused, "Okay, uh, okay. I'll, uh, see you soon, Mom." Kate hung up the phone and put it in her pocket, ok, so change of plans, we're stopping by my mom's place, then we'll go to my place."

"Ok, sounds good," I said. We turned the corner The doorman opened the golden doors for us,

"Good evening, Miss Bishop," He said.

"How's it going? Good? Wife, kids, all good?" Kate asked.

"Wonderful, wonderful, Merry Christmas!" he responded. We got into the elevator and kate pressed the button. The elevator dinged. I was nervous, and fiddling with my rings. Kate must have noticed so she grabbed my hand,

"Lizzie, there's nothing to be worried about, my mom will love you." It was my first time meeting Kate's mom.

"Yeah, but I, what if she doesn't," I barely got out.

"Lizzie, stop, it, everything will be fine, we are going to have the best Christmas ever." She gave me a kiss.

"Yeah," I said, giving her another kiss. The elevator opened and we entered the Bishop's penthouse. Kate put her hands on my shoulders "Take a deep breath we got this, she'll love you! Now give me your coat." I handed my coat to Kate as she took hers off and placed all of our bags on the floor.

"Hi, sweetie," a voice called

"Hi, Mom," Kate said, a women with short black hair in a flowy red dress walked around the corner, "There you are. Oh, you look amazing," Kate gave her mother a hug then helped her button her dress, "What are we looking all fancy for?"

"Charity auction," Elenor said.

"Ugh," Kate groaned still buttoning Elenor's dress.

"I know, right? All those poor people and nonprofits relying on the more fortunate," Elenor said walking away from Kate.

"That is not what I meant," Kate said.

"Kate, are you going to introduce me to your friend?"

"Oh, yeah," Kate waved me over, "This is Lizzie, my girlfriend."

"Hi Ms. Bishop, it's so nicee to meet you," I said reaching out my hand. Elenor shook it,

"Nice to meet you Lizzie, and please, call me Elenor. Well, Kate, as much as I love having you home for the holidays, I'm not thrilled that I'm about to replace an irreplaceable clock tower." Elenor said walking away.

"It was a bell tower," Kate said following Elenor.

"The Dean said it had a bell and a clock, and overachiever that you are, you managed to destroy both."Elenor continued to walk across the penthouse.

"What can I do to make it better, Mom?" Kate asked.

"I started by cancelling your credit cards, and we're going to have a much longer talk about this tower that you destroyed, without joking." I followed Elenor and Kate into the kitchen, "I know young people think they're invincible, and rich people think they're invincible and you've always been both. So take it from someone who hasn't, you're not. You will get hurt. So please, don't go out looking for it."

"Sorry, Mom. Sorry." Kate said.

"Okay," Elenor said to her. "You get that from your father, you know.

"Why don't you start making it up to me by putting on that red dress in your bedroom and coming with me tonight?" Elenor said.

"All right, well, um, on another note, I got a new one for the case," Kate said pulling out a metal, "U.S. Open Martial Art Championship." Elenor smiled at Kate,

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