Chapter 3

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I hadn't heard anything from Kate or Clint all night, it was time for me to find her. I got into a taxi and went to the warehouse. I found a way in and quickly found Clint. "Barton!" I yelled. Clint turned to me,

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asked.

"I was worried," he hit someone with his bow. Clint and Kate both started running and I followed them. We got outside

"We need a car," Clint said.

"Oh, can we take this one? Man, this thing's beautiful." Kate stood in front of a beautiful red car. Clint smashed the window of another brown car

"I'm not smashin' a '72 Challenger. Come on." Clint opened the door and began to hotwire the car. "Youths. Let's go."

"Yes, boss," Kate said as we ran over to the car. Kate opened the passenger door.

"Hey, get over here, I need you to drive," Clint said.

"What? I don't know how to drive," Kate said.

"Come over here."

"No, you, you drive. I shoot."

"I'm not hearing you. You drive, okay?" The tracksuits walked out, breaking a window.

"I drive, Clint in the back," I said. Clint understood what I was saying and moved to the backseat. The car turned on and the tracksuits jumped on it.

"Come on, let's go!" Clint said. I pressed the gas and the tracksuits went flying. "How many we got?"

"Four," Kate said.

"Great," I said. I kept speeding as the car got rear-ended. One of the tracksuit trucks got in front of us and they started shooting. "One sec," I turned the car around. I kept speeding and Kate grabbed Clint's bag of arrows.

"Wait, wait, wait. We're out of the regular arrows," Clint said.

"What do you mean, we're... Oh, my God, trick arrows?" Clint took the arrow bag back as he went through them,

"Definitely not this one..."

"Don't say definitely like that."

"Not this one. This is too dangerous."

"This one fine? I'm using this one."

"Hey, be careful," Clint said.

"I was born careful."
"Kate," I said.

"Yes, careful."

"They're not regular arrows." Kate got out of the car and positioned her bow.

"Eenie, meenie, miney..." she said choosing the car she would hit, "Mo."

"Play-Doh arrow?" Kate asked.

"Hit their wheels with the putty arrow," Clint said.

"Oh. Great idea. I'll do that as soon as you label these damn things," Kate said. Clint started to get out of the car and position his bow. "This'd be a lot easier if we were facing,"

"It'd be easier if we were facing the other way," Clint said.

"Yeah, just a... Hey, we're communicating!" Kate said.

"Hang on," I said as I turned the car around in a full circle. Kate shot an arrow blowing up one of the trucks.

"Holy shit," Kate said. The fiery truck tumbled at us, things hitting and cracking the window.

"Fuck," I said as I sped up my reverse.

"There are four arrows more dangerous than that one?" A red car was right on my tail Clint and kate both got out shooting arrows at it.

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