Chapter 5

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I hadn't heard from Kate all night, then finally I got a text.

Kate: Hey, meet me at my place, get ready for a fun night

Kate: I hope you know what I mean when I say fun night

Kate: 😏

Lizzie: I know exactly what you mean Kate I'm walking over now.

I got made my way to Kate's apartment and put on my favorite pair of lingerie that Kate has not seen me in yet. I put my robe over top of it and made sure you could see a bit through it. I heard someone downstairs. It had to have been Kate. I rushed down the stairs undoing my robe. I got downstairs and my jaw dropped, "Shit," I said grabbing my robe and throwing it back on, "you're not Kate, who the hell are you? And why are you here?"

"You thought I was Kate Bishop," the blonde laughed with a Russian accent, "That's why you're wearing, ah, you must be Lizzie."

"How do you know who I am?" I asked.

"Where is Kate Bishop?" She asked completely ignoring my question.

"She's not here, who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Yelena, damn, I'm starving," she said. "Do you have any food?" She asked.

"I'm sorry but why are you here?" I asked.

"I told you, I'm looking for Kate Bishop." She answered

"Why? Why are you looking for Kate? How do you know Kate?"

"We met tonight, I need to talk to her."


"It's none of your business," she said.

"If you don't tell me you have to leave." Yelena laughed, "What?"

"You think that you can get me to leave," I stared at her, and she stopped laughing, "Oh your serious, I'm a trained assassin, so I don't think you want to try to get me to leave." That scared me a bit.

"Ok, you can stay," I said.

"Great!" Yelena "I'm starving, do you have any food."

"Uh, yeah check the kitchen," I said. Yelena walked to the kitchen.

"Oh, can I make some Mac and cheese?" she asked, "It's my favorite."

"Uh, sure," I answered, not knowing what to say or do. I sat down at the kitchen table. And waited. A few minutes later the door turned and Kate walked in.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," she said, "I need you, now." She walked over to me and pulled me into a deep kiss. I broke away,

"Kate, now might not be the best time," I said right before she pulled me into another kiss, a deep kiss that I didn't want to break away from. Suddenly, Yelena walked out with a pot,

"Who wants mac and cheese?" She asked then she looked up at us, "Oh, sorry am I interrupting something?" I broke away from Kate.

"No," I said. Kate looked at me then at Yelena then back at me.

"Why is she here, are you ok?" Kate asked.

"I'm fine, she said she knows you." Kate sighed and then looked at her again.

"What do you want?" Kate asked.

"Relax, Kate Bishop. I just want to talk, okay? Are you really not hungry?" Yelena asked. "That fight was so long. It's really tasty. Really tasty."

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