The start.

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Hi, I'm Elizabeth Hope Kee but you can call me lizzie. I was born in Akron, Ohio at Akron Children's Hospital. I weighed 7lbs and 2oz. But I live in Barberton Ohio even smaller then Akron I live where the weather is always shitty and when it's nice it's either way to fucking hot orrrrr it's way to fucking cold. My mom is Darlene Lynn Clemens. My dad is Brian Lawrence Kee. I have an older brother named Matthew James Kee born on July 8th 1999 he's 2 years older then me. When I was 5 I got a little brother named Timothy John Kee born on November 23 2006 (which was a leap year). Before my little brother was born me and my dad use to be the bestest of friends I still remember my dad getting home from work and him coming outside with me and we would stare at the clouds. But once Tim was born we drifted apart and that's why to this day I don't have a very good relationship with my dad. Yes, I love my dad but if he can't take the time to notice his ONLY daughter then why should I waist my time chasing someone who doesn't even care? Then I started preschool at Johnson Corners Church I did 4 years of preschool. 2 years of mommy and me then 2 years of normal preschool.

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