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Hiratsuka:Can you tell me why are you two late.

Hiratsuka sensei asked the the boys in front of her...

Y/n:Hehe...the thing is a black cat passed me by the road so i had take another rout--

Y/n tried to make an excuse but stopped when she glared him.he flinch a little and elbowed hachiman to say something.

Hachiman:um.. We are not late it's what you call " Executive work hour "
As one of the elite, our work day start--

Hiratsuka:Weren't you a full - Time house -husband?. You even sainton "when you work, you lose"..

Y/n facepalm him self... He also notice yui and totsuka watching them. In concern.

Hachiman:Well, you see, the very idea thay tardiness is a si itself is wrong..

Hiratsuka:interesting, care to explain.Before I punch you..

Hachiman:The police don't do anything until a crime had been committed. And heroes always arrive late. Yet no one ever criticizes them fir their tardiness... From another stand point, you could say tardiness is justice--

Unfortunately his poor effort to come up with excuse just pissed her more. She clench her fist prepare to punch him.

Hachiman:Wait, please don't punch me!

He raise his both hand in surrender before quickly hide behind a equally nervous y/n..

Y/n:Sensei wait violence is not a solutio--

She didn't listen and punch y/n on his gut.. Y/n fell on his knees holding his stomach in pain.

Hiratsuka:Your surprising durable  That punch would knockouts Hikigaya.


Y/n muttere in pain..Hiratsuka than notice another student entering class.

Hiratsuka:sheesh.we've got way too many problem kids in this class. Kawasaki saki.

Hiratsuka:Are you working "executive hours " Too?

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Hiratsuka:Are you working "executive hours " Too?.

The blue haired girl noded before walk past y/n...

Y/n:Black lace!.

She stop walking for moment.


Then made her way to her seat.


After a long day y/n and hachiman decided to eat at a restaurant.

They both enter a near by hotal before searching for a free table which they find a second later.

Hachiman:Lets order.. What you want eat..

Y/n:I never had a pizza before.

Hachiman:pizza it is then..

Y/n was about to call a waiter before he notice yui , yukino and totsuka..on other side.reviewing the up coming exam.

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