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Work Place visit which the students were called during recess and sent out to the workplace of their own choosing.

Much like hachiman even y/n wasn't fond to this kinda of thing. Anyway they're  not together because of being in different group.Therefore y/n was wondering around the area.

Surprisingly he was quite fascinated by the working of machine generally.

staring through the glass watching a massive machine in the electronic section.

Until hayama you know the popular kid that everyone like.he alone was not a problem the thing it his fangirls that always around him.y/n being him does not like standing around large crowd of people. Something he and hachiman have in common.

After the visiting time was over over everyone was making there way to the restaurant.

all this walking and wondering around y/n was quite tired say the least..a big ywan escaped his mouth before his gaze shifted to a familer pink haired girl who was running towards hachiman.

Yui:Hikky! What took you?! Everyone's already headed to the restaurant!.

Hachiman:Aren't you going?.

Yui:yeah, but, like, I was waiting for you .And n/n is not with you. I'd hate to see you walk in last by yourself .

Hachiman:your too nice yuigahama... But you don't need to do so much for me.

Hachiman:My saving your dog was just a coincidence. I'm pretty sure I would have still turned out a loner, even if it hadn't happened. There's no reason what do for you to feel responsible.

Hachiman:looks like I made you feel kind of guilty. But you don't need to feel guilty anymore. If you were begin nice to me out if guilt.

Those words really hurt her. Hachiman knows he want to far but it already late.. Yuigahama let out a fake laugh, cheerful one.

Yui:well, I don't know. I wouldn't say that was why..

She was struggle let's out something form her mouth, she looked down trying her best to contain her emotion together.

Hachiman:yuigahama is a nice girl. I'm sure she'll be nice to the bitter end.

Glaring with her teary eyes without adverting her gaze.

Yui:you jerk.

She turn around and runaway. He watched her until she was away from his sight.passing y/n who was standing in a distance.

Y/n crossed his arm  shaking his head in disappointment.

Following day Yuigahama begin to ignore us especially Hachiman after the incident. Also stopped coming to club.


Yukino:Did you do something to yuigahama-san?.

Right now yukino,hachiman and y/n is inside the club room reading books respective books.

Hachiman:Nope, nothing.

Y/n:I don't know.

Yukino:I doubt that yuigahama-san would stop coming unless something happen between you two.Did you two have a fight.?.

At this point y/n know she was specifically talking to hachiman. he just drop out of the conversation.

Hachiman:no, we didn't. At least I think. Besides, only people who are somewhat close can have fights. It's less of a fight and more of a..

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