The Pity Party and the Interruption of the Pity Party

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 Disclaimer: I do not own most of the characters here, because I am not Rick Riordan, which should be obvious.

Welcome to the rewritten version of my previous story! Happy reading!

 "Percy, I'm sorry, but we can't do this anymore.I......I'm breaking up with you." Those words would remain burned in Percy Jackson's mind forever.


  "Percy?" Annabeth came up to the Poseidon table just as Percy was finishing a blue ham sandwich. "Can we talk?"

  A lot of thoughts had gone through Percy's mind at that moment. Is Annabeth pregnant? Did I forget to eat my vegetables? Does she want to give a speech about the design of the cabins for the minor gods? Is Annabeth pregnant?!?!

  Boy, was he in for a surprise.

  Annabeth led the way to the beach and sat on the the shore. She patted the sand next to her, motioning for Percy to sit down too.

  Percy didn't sit. He was afraid that Annabeth was mad at him and would smack him repeatedly. He would need every single second to get away if that happened.

  "Fine." Annabeth shrugged. She turned to face the water. "Percy," Her voice was quiet. "Have you noticed something about us recently?"

  "What?" Percy scratched his head. He'd never had a very high EQ.

  Annabeth sighed. "Look, I'll show you." She stood up and kissed him briefly. When she pulled back, Percy began to understand what she was talking about. It was missing the spark. When they'd first started dating, every kiss had brought him a feeling of joy, a feeling of being valued and loved. was just......empty, emotionless. (AN: Okay, this may not exactly be the best description, since I lack life experience in the love department.)

  "What? No! I love you!" The spark may have been gone, but Percy still loved her. It was the love that counted, not the kisses. Right?  Then he saw the look on her face. "Annabeth......"

    Annabeth looked at him pityingly. "Percy, you're denying it. This kind of thing can't be forced." She took a deep breath.

  "NO!" Percy screamed. She couldn't say it, she couldn't! All those years of being together, all those memories......was she willing to throw all of that away? 

  "Percy, I'm sorry, but we can't do this anymore. I......I'm breaking up with you." 

  "No, Annabeth, please, you don't know what you're saying. Please, take it back. We still have a chance!" Percy begged her.

  "No, Percy." Annabeth replied. "We don't. But you can find someone else. I have."

  Then a buff dude appeared out of behind a palm tree and Annabeth leaned up to give him a soft kiss. "This is Matt."

  Percy seriously regretted not sitting down, because his legs gave way and he fell onto a pointy rock and nearly got his butt impaled. It hurt, but it didn't hurt nearly as much as having Annabeth dump him. It was like having thorny tendrils snake down to his heart and yank it out. (As I said, no love experience at all.)

  The next time Percy looked up from his hands, the sky was already dark and it was another hour until someone found him and dragged him back to camp.

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