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This is a rant. You probably already know this since you know how titles work.

I'm going to talk about those Percy Jackson OC fanfictions.


You probably already know what I'm going to say.

Anyway, there are tons of problems with these.

1. Godly Parent

The godly parent is often Hades, Poseidon (mostly Poseidon because of all those 'Percy Jackson twin sister' fanfictions), Zeus. (I know some of them are not, okay? I said 'often'.) The Big Three. I get that you want your OC to be powerful, but other demigods can be powerful too. Miranda Gardiner. Meg McCaffrey. Piper McLean. Leo Valdez. Frank Zhang. Clarisse La Rue. Luke Castellan. Reyna Ramirez-Arellano. Will Solace. Lou Ellen Blackstone. See? Non-Big-Three kids can be powerful too. If you want it to be surprising, you can make your MC a child of Nemesis, Iris, Nike, Dionysus... And don't get me started on children of Artemis. Artemis doesn't have time to be pregnant with a baby (and why would she want to anyway?). She has the Hunters of Artemis to lead. She is literally their best archer.

And of course, there are the ones that are the offspring of two gods but are still somehow a demigod. And then there are the ones that are a noob demigod but get blessed by every single god.

2. Camp

You may have noticed that I only used the Greek version of the gods in the last point. That's because like 99% of the stories are set in CHB and the Romans are extinct or something. Like, seriously. Not even a mention of a Roman demigod or CJ.

3. Weapon

Swords, daggers and bows and arrows are the only weapons that exist. Hammers (which I admit don't do much damage), spears, bladerangs, nunchucks (which don't do much either), double-bladed weapons, chain daggers...you know, stuff like that.


Okay, firstly, I know that not all the fanfics are like that. I'm only talking about some of them. Not all. Just thought I'd make that clear.

Anyway, I would just like to say that some of these fanfictions are so darn unrealistic. Aqua Jackson, Percy's twin sister, somehow survives sixteen years without a single monster attack, has an abusive guardian and makes her way to Camp Half Blood. Then she picks up a sword and manages to defeat Percy in five seconds flat. Then, like an hour later, she completely masters her water powers without any training and kicks everybody's butt. The next day, half the camp falls in love with her. And in the following week, she goes on a quest to defeat either Kronos or Gaea and singlehandedly deals with every obstacle and has no flaws whatsoever.


5. Where be the boys?

The boys have gone extinct or something, and if there are boys, they're introduced as the MC's love interest or part of some crazy love octagon. Satyrs are apparently extinct too.

6. Lack of representation

Everybody's straight and white. No LGBTQ+ peeps. No people of colour. 

7. Girly girls

Girly girls are bad. Tomboys are good.

Seriously, girly does not equal bad. You can be girly and still kick butt!

I can't remember any more, but if I do, I update this!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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