Getting Better

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I'm sorry for not being active for a long time before Yeah. That's probably me in one word. Anyway, PLEASE vote and FOLLOW . Thanks.

  Nico noticed Percy was starting to get over Annabeth now. He still wasn't his old self but at least he didn't look like Jules-Albert anymore. Plus, he actually came out of his cabin willingly now. Nico still caught him sobbing quietly sometimes, but he was doing pretty good.

  To be honest, Nico (and Percy) would prefer if Annabeth and her new boyfriend Matt didn't keep kissing in public. They were considerate enough to do it when Percy wasn't looking, but Percy knew they were doing it, and Nico's heart just about broke to see the pained look on Percy's face when he heard Annabeth's giggles.

  It didn't help either when Annabeth tried to apologize once. It went something like:

  "Um, Percy? I just wanted to say sorry know......everything."

  "You mean you and your new boyfriend?"

  "Uh, yeah. Look Percy, I can see you're heartbroken. But maybe it would help if you, um, found someone else?"

  "Not everyone can be like you, Annabeth! Not everyone can immediately find a new person to love after the supposed love of your life dumps you for some buff dude!"

  "Don't drag Matt into this! He did nothing to you!"

  "Defending your new boyfriend, Annabeth?"


  "Leave, Annabeth. I don't want to see you right now."

  "Fine. I guess that's what I get for trying to apologize."


  Let's just say things were rocky between Percy and Annabeth. Nico had tried to help heal the gap between them, but he wasn't a people person, and he had only made things worse. 

  Percy did want to see his other friends, though. Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, Reyna, Thalia and Leo were also welcome in his cabin, along with Nico himself.

  Percy liked talking to Nico the most, because Nico understood how he felt. Nico had also gone through the pain of watching the one he loved committing PDA with someone else. Percy had very awkwardly apollo-gized (AN: Just thought I'd lighten the mood), adding that he was glad Nico had gotten over him, because Percy didn't return his feelings.

  What Nico didn't tell him was that he had lied, and was still in love with him.

  And Percy thought that maybe, just maybe, he was lying to himself a little bit.

Okay, this is a short chapter, but it's just talking about how Percy's poor lil' heart is beginning to heal, and there's not much happening in this chapter. But don't worry, the action's happening in the next next chapter. (The next chapter's a rant that I've wanted to do for a long time.) Again, please vote and follow! ( I really need more followers)

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