your rizz is running away!

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hello beautiful lady how about i (a great goodlooking hot gentleman)take u out on a date today😘

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hello beautiful lady how about
i (a great goodlooking hot gentleman)
take u out on a date today😘

i can see your rizz running
away from you.
oh my gosh it's eating paper.
it's literally chocking
okay now it's dead,
your rizz is dead.
great killua.

good morning to u too😘

good morning!

queenhello everyone😊

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hello everyone😊

moe lester (leorio)
oh god
what are you plotting
this time

hello killua, gon, kupika😊

she said my name first😍

hello gon and kupka.


good morning y/n.

hi y/n!!!🥰🥰it's
finally the first day of school.
are u excited?





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i'm not going


noo why not🙁

i'd rather die

come on y/n. it can't be
that bad right?


i hope this answers your question

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i hope this answers
your question

it does

guys i'm too pretty to be in school
i cant go

thats a lie

i hate uoy

"good morning class

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"good morning class. it's great to see you back in school again. i assume everyone had a great holiday?"

the teacher asks and a bunch of students nod.

at least that's what i saw from the window outside of the classroom, i was late and i couldn't risk getting to class late on my first day of school so i decided to go through the window while the teacher wasn't looking.

to my dismay, i'm a horrible climber and i'm too loud to sneak in.

so i got three options:
option one: sneak in and risk getting caught, resulting in getting detention.

option two: going in through the door like every sane person and getting detention.

option three: go home and never come back,
resulting in getting suspended


i knock at the window and try to get my friends attention. she's incredibly stupid so i'm not lucky at all.


i turn my head to the source of the voice, it's none other than killua himself.

"oh god."

"i'm flatterd but you can call me killua." he says with a cheeky smirk on his face. "what are you doing?"

"i'm sneaking in"


"because i don't want to get detention, dumbass."

"why would you get detention?"

"because i'm late goddamnit killua use your brain." i'm losing my patience with this guy.

"you do know that you don't have a class right now righy?"

"wait what?"

"first and second period is english and our english teacher is sick so we can just do whatever we want."


"you could have also stayed home until third period."

i fall to my knees remembering that kurapika told me about that yesterday but i was busy figuring out wether the chicken or the egg was first.

"what are you two doing in front of the window." the teacher interrupted us and gave us an angry look.

"detention, both of you!"

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