Chapter 3

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The patrol just return from the territory, "Tonguefeather's patrol brought us news. The territory is safe and Brokenstar is gone, they haven't seen her in the territory or camp. Brokenstar is dead." "You don't know that!" Eveningface protest. "The patrol haven't seen her body have they? They didn't bring her back, in that case she is dead." Redshade hissed, "Gather up the injured and kits. I want all my kits with me. We aren't going to be in camp. I want my kits to become apprentices." "They're only five moons!" Touguefeather protest, "Isn't it suppose to be seven moons?" "I'm aware but Skimpaw may need help with apprentice duties. We need apprentices. However I want to know if Harekit survived first so he can go along with us."

The clan headed to the destoryed territory and to the camp, "Wait here kits." Redshade ordered his kits, "I'm gonna look for your brother. We'll go without him if he's dead or can't be found." Redshade told them as he enter the camp. The kits sit in silence, Ravenkit noticed the grief in her littermates eyes. Ravenkit laid down. She too miss her mother. Redshade had left the camp, in his jaw was Harekit. His ear was completely ripped and bleeding. Redshade put down Harekit who was shaken. "Your fine." Redshade growled, "Just a torn ear, let's go." he took Harekit in his jaws again. They travelled across the territory until they reach a river, Redshade placed Harekit down and turn to his other kits, "Can you scent that? That is AshClan, the Moonbranch is just by this river. Stay here, I'll take you all across the territory." he took Harekit again and swam across, then he contunued with one by one with each kit, once he got the kits across. He continued on, "Stay away from the river." he ordered before he took Harekit again. They continued on through the territory and until they reach a tree. Leading each kit inside of the entranced. Ravenkit's eyes widen, seeing the glowing roots and branches, covering the mossy walls in the middle. Redshade place down her son. Ravenkit felt the cold water as she tap her paw in. "See the mossy branch outside of those roots. Touch it. You will dream. StarClan will come. Now while you speak to StarClan, one of you will be accepted by StarClan if not then the next batch of kits will go. While you do that, I will see if I can get my nine lives." Ravenkit gulp as she enter the cold water with her littermates, she wants to be medicine cat but what if something goes wrong or if she never sees StarClan." Ravenkit touched the moss on the branch and closed her eyes as she drifted to sleep.


Ravenkit woke up, she found herself in a strange starry meadow. Ravenkit looked around, then jolted as she heard a firmliar voice, "Hello little kit." Ravenkit eyes widen, turning around. It was Rosecloud. "R-Rosecloud." Ravenkit stammered, "I-Is that you? I-Is this StarClan?" "Yes." Rosecloud nodded, "I am well aware that it wasn't your fault I died. I couldn't let you get killed, I wouldn't let any kits get killed. I would want kits live a full life but that isn't what I came for." "It isn't?" Ravenkit questioned. "No." Rosecloud meowed, "Roundmane won't be here but StarClan believes you have a differant destiny then to become a medicine cat." "What? What do you mean?" Ravenkit asked, "I-I want to one, I want to hea my clanmates and heal them." "I know."  Rosecloud meowed, "However it is Roundmane's choice not all of StarClan, I'm sorry little kit. Instead I brought another message for you, a red shadow is rising, a raven must flap it's wings and talons before the lives of innocences goes under it's shade." Ravenkit just stared at her, "Why tell me this? Why can't I be a medicine cat?" "You'll understand one day." Rosecloud told her. Ravenkit's vision fade as she was gonna wake up.


Ravenkit woke up, "Oh good, your awake." Redshade meowed, "Have StarClan spoken to you?" "Yes." Ravenkit mewed, disappointed. "And? Did they accept you?" "N-No." Ravenkit mewed quietly. Redshade turn to the rest of the kits. "Are you Redstar now?" Spiderkit asked. "No, StarClan refused me. They said I had to wait for a sign like all deputys should." Redshade growled, "Now who else been accepted by StarClan?" Ravenkit looked down at her paws, sadden that she couldn't be a medicine cat. "I saw Roundmane." Harekit mewed. Ravenkit looked up at him, "What?" she mewed quietly. Redshade turn to Harekit and meowed "And? What did he say? And how did you get that cobweb on your ear?" "Roundmane give me the cobwebs, told me it's for stopping the blood." Harekit mewed, "He even told me I will be BrokenClan's new medicine cat and he will teach me medicine cat ways." Ravenkit's heart sank, she was gonna be a warrior now, she doesn't want to be a warrior, she wants to be a medicine cat.

"Then we will spread the news to camp." Redshade meowed. "I was hoping to be a warrior." Harekit mewed quietly. "Well you can't, StarClan chose you and Roundmane gived you cobwebs for you ear, let's go." Redshade hissed as he led each kits outside of the Moonbranch as he meowed "Then you can all become apprentices. Now come on." Ravenkit slowly followed behind as they return home.


"BrokenClan gather around!" Redshade called in the middle of the destoyed camp, "Firstly, StarClan have chosen. Harekit will be the new medicine cat as Harepaw and he will be guided by StarClan themselves to learn medicine cat ways, no need for the other medicine cats to teach him. Now I sadly don't got my nine lives and name but we'll wait for a sign, StarClan allows me to run the clan as any clan leader would so, my kits come foward, not you Harepaw my other kits. Spotchampion will have Batpaw, Boundingpath will have Squirrelpaw, Edgefire will have Savannahpaw, Shearthunder has Spiderpaw, Tonguefeather has Pigeonpaw and finally Shardmane have Ravenpaw. Go to your new mentors."

The newly named Ravenpaw heart sank further, knowing she will be a warrior and worse of all Shardmane, he always seem to have a cold and is filled with snot and he sounds as if it is stuffy, even worse that he always stuck around her and always invasive toward her, obvously wants to mentor her. "Will there be a ceremony?" Shardmane asked, seemingly pleased as he stand next to his apprentice. "No, there's no time for that." Redshade told him. "Good luck with your snotty mentor." sneered Squirrelpaw, next to Boundingpath who just look down at his apprentice. "Next for my deputy, I chose Edgefire. I know he hadn't have an apprentice until now so he is my choice." Redshade declared, "Now every mentor will go with their apprentices to help the camp, Edgefire your incharge with hunting patrols but even the queens and elders have a role to play to help clean up the camp. Harepaw you can go collect herbs with a warrior, Slugkit will need something for his injury, you can also take care of the other kits as well if you can't find anything. Those who have nothing to do, come to me. Now get to work."

The clan went their own ways, "Come on." Shardmane purred, "We can find prey for the clan, we got better things to do then sticking around camp removing dead branches and stone." Ravenpaw slowly followed him not even arguing with him about helping the camp. They traveled across the territory and to a river, "I'll teach you how to swim later, we go pass the river. This is MapleClan's territory, can you smell them?" Ravenpaw just snift the air and shook her head, "It's just a meadow." she murmured. "Yes, it's most likely prey in our territory have died or escape from the territory, so we hunt on other clans territory if we have too, break the warrior code when we have too, now come with me." Ravenpaw slowly followed him and swim across the river to MapleClan's territory. "We'll stay far away the thunderpath's it's most likely MapleClan will past it. Now show me your hunting crouch." Ravenpaw just crouch down, "Keep your rear end down, prey can see you." Shardmane scoff, Ravenpaw obeyed, lowering her rear end. "Better, stay hidden in the tall grass, now," Shardmane turn to some tracks, "These are rabbit tracks, MapleClan's food." "Shouldn't we not steal prey from other clans?" Ravenpaw couldn't help but asked. "It is in times like these where codes should be broken. Our territory may not have enough food to provide for the clan." Shardmane mewed, "Now stay low to the ground and let's follow these tracks, may lead to a rabbit borrow or the rabbit itself."

Ravenpaw followed her mentor's lead until there was a rabbit. "See that rabbit, try and give it a killing bite, the rabbit neck is the best spot, twist the neck as well." Ravenpaw crouch lower to the ground, she sighs as she leaped and gived her first killing bite to the rabbit, killing it instantly. "Good job." purred Shardmane, "We'll continue the hunt. Learn more hunting skills." "What are you doing in MapleClan's territory!" hissed a demanding voice, Ravenpaw looked to see what looks to be, MapleClan cats.

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