Chapter 5

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It was the afternoon, BrokenClan became well fed after Edgefire and Savannahpaw had return with prey. "You did well at your first hunt but this time show me more skills then pure laziness." snarled Edgefire, "Take that rabbit to the queens, they must be fed first before the rest of the clan." "No Edgefire!" hissed Shardmane, "Weak clanmates first, that's Redshade's order. We need strong warriors." "I'm the deputy Shardmane, accept that or you do it yourself or you can go feed the weak for life. And I will enjoy that." Edgefire hissed, "Go on Savannahpaw, feed the queens, then the weak. If you must then the elders." He dismissed his apprentice.

"BrokenClan gather around!" Redshade declared. Ravenpaw just stayed where she is, she saw a stranger standing beside Redshade, holding a dangling kittypet coller and placing it by her paws. Redshade sneered as the clan gather around, "BrokenClan is destroyed, we need more warriors. More cats in the clan if we are to thrive. It was decided to take in outsiders. This kittypet is my apprentice now, Rockpaw." "That's no fair!" cried out Tansykit, "We we're in the clan first!" Asphodelmane let out a snarl as she wrapped her tail around her daughter. "Kits must be patient. Your time will come soon." Redshade told the kit, "Besides Tansykit, your not even close to eight moons so you have plenty of time until a warrior is free of an apprentice." "But the oldest kits are five and are apprentices!" Tansykit cried. "Yea!" agreed Brindlekit. "You don't count, you barely even do anything!" Applekit protested. "And neither do you!" snapped Brindlekit.

Redshade ignored the kits and growled "Firekit." Firekit popped his head out out the crowd, Redshade continued "How many moons are you and your brother?" "Four." Firekit mewed quietly. "Have your brother recovered yet?" "No." Firekit mewed, "Is he dead?" "I don't know, go help Harepaw if you wish for him to recover." Redshade told him. Ravenpaw watched him go to her brother and turn away as Redshade then spoke up, "Every cat will have a role to play to help BrokenClan, even the youngest kits will play a part." "They were just born."  Ferreteyes stepped forward. "I'm aware but they will when they are older. Three moons maybe." Redshade shrugged, "Meeting dismissed."

"Come on Ravenpaw, I'm gonna ask Redshade if we can take Rockpaw and teach her battle moves." Shardmane growled. Greaaattt, can't wait, Ravenpaw thought bitterly, trotting after her mentor and kept her head low. "Go join Rockpaw." Shardmane ordered. Ravenpaw saw the new apprentice sitting beside another former kittypet, Branchpaw. "You must be really lucky to have Redshade as your deputy." Branchpaw purred. "Yea, I thought there were be less cats here." Rockpaw purred, giving an admirably glace at the other apprentice. "Yea well you joined to help, I joined for another reason." Branchpaw told her. "Shardmane is going to ask Redshade if he could take us for battle training." Ravenpaw told the new apprentice. "Oh and you are?" Rockpaw asked. "Ravenpaw." Ravenpaw told her. "Battle training?" Branchpaw question, "We don't need it until the camp is ready and the clan has recovered."

"You may think that Branchpaw but the other clans may see us as weak and will attack us. Peace or no peace, they can still attack." Shardmane padded toward them, "Hello Rockpaw, I am Shardmane. Redshade agrees with battle training. He will join us soon. Branchpaw why don't you see if your mentor got something for you." Branchpaw stood up and turn back to Rockpaw, "See you later Rockpaw." "See you too." Rockpaw purred, blushing as Branchpaw went to find Sightmane, his mentor.

They all headed to the entrance of camp, later join by Redshade, they travel until they reach a stone-like hollow. "This is Stone Hollow." Redshade told them, "This is where training is mostly held, wheither it's battle training or learning how to hunt. We learn it here. Today is your first battle training." "Hunting? Don't we do that in the forest?" Rockpaw questioned. "You have the right to question our ways. This is most likely for beginners, instead of real prey, used twigs. Instead of real battles used your clanmates. You get to do the real stuff later." Redshade told her. Shardmane sneezed and sniff, "Redshade got a point, your a kittypet, this makes you a beginner, today you will fight against my apprentice who is also a beginner. She was made an apprentice yesterday." he told her before he sneezed again. Ravenpaw turn away. "Now pay attention. We will learn how to slash your opinion, most apprentices learn how to fight claws sheath but today we learn unsheathed." Redshade instructed. "Is that safe?" Rockpaw asked, uncertain. "A special training, makes you stronger." Redshade told her calmly, "Now unsheathe your claws, we'll show you how it's done." Both mentors went into differant directions, they ran to each other and leaped, Redshade slashes at Shardmane's cheek causing him to fall and Redshade leaped on him, biting his neck. Ravenpaw watched in horror, was Shardmane gonna be killed? Is he gonna kill him? The look on Rockpaw saids the same thing. Redshade step back from Shardmane who stood up, he rubbed his wet nose as he spoke "Try it, remember claws unsheathe." Redshade whispers something to Rockpaw before he stepped back.

Both apprentices went into seperate directions, they ran into each other and leap at each other. It went quick as Rockpaw slashes at Ravenpaw's face, she fell into her side and Rockpaw bit down on neck holding her still. "Good job Rockpaw. Redshade praised, "You'll make a strong warrior." Rockpaw stood up, "Thank you Redshade." Ravenpaw stood up, aching from the pain, she didn't question it but was unsheath claws really worth it. She looked up at Shardmane who frowned, "Even as an apprentice you were beaten by a kittypet!" "Easy Shardmane, my daughter's first battle training, let's try it again but this time it's Ravenpaw's turn to take out Rockpaw." Ravenpaw limped carefully away from the other apprentice, she ran back to leap at Rockpaw, this time she bit her hard on her neck. "That's better." Shardmane nodded in satisfation. "Are you alright?" Ravenpaw asked, letting her go. "That was great." Rockpaw winced in pain, "Could of been better?" Ravenpaw couldn't tell if she was joking or not of what she had said. "Warriors suffer their pain silently." Redshade told them, "Now let's continue."


They continued training until the sun was going down. Both apprentices where limping in the camp. "Go see Harepaw, both of you." Redshade snarl. Both apprentices just nodded as they headed to the medicine den, Ravenpaw had to lead her there since she doesn't know the camp well. "We're here." She told the new apprentice. Harepaw was tending to Slugkit, he looked up in surprised "Great StarClan! What happen?" Firekit looked up, eyes widen in shock. "Firekit get cobwebs and moss!" Harepaw ordered. Firekit ran into the storage.

Both apprentices sat down, "What has happen?" Harepaw asked his sister. "Battle training." Ravenpaw growled, she doesn't like being in the medicine den, her brother Harepaw was chosen as the new medicine cat when Roundmane has died during the storm and Ravenpaw wanted to be a medicine cat as a kit but now she can't. Firekit rushed with a huge wad of cobwebs in his jaw. "Thank you Firekit, there's some left over moss in the elders den. Get some moss for one nest, Ravenpaw, come to Roundmane's old nest. When you come back, try and make a nest for Rockpaw." Harepaw ordered, Firekit dashed off, going to the elder's den. Ravenpaw limped to Roundmane's old nest. Ravenpaw fliched as cobwebs we're placed on her wounds. "You both shouldn't of trained with bloodshed, it's dangerous." Harepaw scolded. Firekit return with the moss and begin to create one for Rockpaw, who later sat in the nest. Harepaw then tend to her wounds after. "That's one nasty nick in your ear." Harepaw told her. "Yea but it was great." purred Rockpaw. "Wounds are no laughing matter." Harepaw scolded. Firekit has returned to Slugkit, "Harepaw, I saw movement!" he called. "Be right with you." Harepaw told Firekit, "Rest, no training."

Ravenpaw watched as she too noticed movement, "Slugkit?" Harepaw snift the kit, moment rose in the kit, his paws was twitching as his sides go in and out. Ravenpaw could strangely feel a presents nearby, only to realize the Roundmane was here, the medicine cat who died during the storm. "He's waking." Harepaw meowed. Slugkit open one eye fast, his other eye was closed. Harepaw struggles until poppy seeds was placed next to them by the unseen spirit. Harepaw then try to feed the seeds to him but Slugkit only screech in pain, "Your hurting him!" hissed Ravenpaw. "I know it hurts. He needs the seeds." Harepaw meowed, managing to get the seeds and trying to have him swallow it. Then the screeching kit stopped as his head is laying back down at the nest. His sides heave slowly, "He's hurting. Needs more time in den." Harepaw meowed. "Will my brother live?" Firekit asked, eyes widen. "It's up to StarClan." Harepaw meowed, looking at the unseen spirit, it seems like only he can see Roundmane. "Try and get him some prey." Harepaw told Firekit, "Then tell father he will need recovery before he can be an apprentice, if Skimpaw is a warrior." Ravenpaw just watch her injured friend, hoping he will recover as she touched her paw with his.

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