Chapter 4

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"Well?" hissed the lead patrol cat, there was six of them, "Maplestar, these are BrokenClan cats, we can fight them." another spoke. "No Cinderspark, we're only here to check the damages to our borders, is your territory ruin that bad you have to hunt in our own territory?" Maplestar told her warrior before at the BrokenClan cats, "My apologize Maplestar, our territory barely haven't have enough prey, so I'm teaching my apprentice how to hunt, bring fresh-kill to the clan." Shardmane mewed. Maplestar turn to Ravenpaw and mewed "And you rather not rebuild your camp?" "Our camp is fine, we have plenty of warriors. Our dens are mostly made of stone." Shardmane meowed. "Does Brokenstar know and allow this?" Maplestar asked. "Brokenstar is dead. Redshade is leading the clan, he's currently waiting for a sign from StarClan so he can get his nine lives and become Redstar." Maplestar glared at him, "Nine lives gone already, shes was a noble leader, I will allow you to hunt here with my warriors supervision, Cloudy breeze and Wolfstrike. The rest will come with me. Gallypaw and Manxpaw stop wandering off and come back or you'll be stuck cleaning the elders and looking for their ticks." She nodded at two of her warriors, "Mother may I be excused, I want to continue the patrol. Cloudy breeze asked. "That was an order Cloudy breeze. Manxpaw and Gallypaw I swear to StarClan, knock it off!" Maplestar told him before he scold at the two apprentices, getting ready to fight each other before she took the rest of the cats with her to continue the patrol, "I swear that you two will be stuck cleaning the elders den for the rest of your days." Ravenpaw watched her leave with her patrol.

"Motherly love." sneered Shardmane to Cloudy breeze, "Tell me about it." Cloudy breeze hissed annoyed, Wolfstrike placed his tail over his clanmates shoulder, "Just get over it. It's not worth it." "Come on, Ravenpaw. We'll ignore these warriors, don't listen to them." Shardmane took the rabbit and buried it, "Let's continue this hunt, the clan will need all the fresh-kill to feed the clan." "Even Slugkit?" Ravenpaw asked quietly. "Even Slugkit, if he eats." "A kit is injured?" Cloudy breeze questioned, "Do you need herbs? Do Roundmane need them?" "Your willing to give our healing supplies?" Wolfstrike asked. "Roundmane is dead, Harepaw is our new medicine cat. We don't need another clan's medicine cat." Shardmane hissed. They continued the hunt until they got enough, then they took the fresh-kill to their own territory.


"We brought fresh-kill." Shardmane meowed, dropping pieces of fresh-kill in the fresh-kill pile, Ravenpaw just followed his lead and placed her kill in the pile. "Rabbits? Where have you been, MapleClan?" Redshade hissed, seeing the fresh-kill. "Yes, there won't be any prey in our own territory." "Then we can steal the meadows." growled Redshade, "MapleClan won't need that piece of land. Ravenpaw, take the fresh-kill to the weak. Shardmane, I need to speak to you alone." Ravenpaw took the biggest and fattest rabbit in the pile, carrying it to the medicine cat den searching the den to see Slugkit, laying limply in a nest made out of twigs. Harepaw was feeling his injury, she guessed that Roundmane was teaching him how to heal her friend. She took the prey over, "It's for Slugkit." she mewed bitterly at Harepaw, "He's breathing for now, I don't think he'll be able to eat in this condition, thanks for trying, I'll try and make sure he eats if he wakes up." "Will he live?" she asked, still bitter that her brother is becoming the new medicine cat but is sadden to see her friend in this condition, not knowing if he will live or not. "I think so." Harepaw meowed, "Just need recovery."

Ravenpaw turn away, heading to the clearing, there was a yowl, coming from the damage nursery, "Kits! Squirrelstrike kits are coming!" cried Ferreteyes. Harepaw left the den in alarm, he hissed "You Tonguefeather! Stay here with Slugkit! W-Where's Squirrelstrike? I-I need herbs and err cobwebs! Flykit go find some!" Tonguefeather looked down at Flykit and growled "You stay with Slugkit, I'll get the herbs. I'm not letting a kit poison a queen." Harepaw was already in the nursery. Ravenpaw sat in the middle of the clearing, staring at the nursery until the cries were silent. She eventually stood up and heading toward the nursery. Squirrelstrike was there with five newborn kits at their mother's belly. "Thank you Roundmane, Harepaw." Squirrelstrike mewed in relieved tirely as she closed her eyes. Ravenpaw advoided looking at her brother and down at the kits before turning to leave the den, she thought they wouldn't last a moon because of the condition of the clan. She spotted her father with a stanger but Ravenpaw ignored her father's call and just headed to the apprentice den, she laid down, despite there's no nests and closed her eyes, thinking of Squirrelstrike's words, Thank you Roundmane, Harepaw.

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