Marriage proposal

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I dreamt that my cousin came to propose and the ring he gave me was so pretty and i was so flustered and then when it came to decide i went to my sisters and i was like what now and theyre all like say no and then i told my mom no and shes like okay good and then i was telling my cousins that he came to propose and i tried to find a picture to send to u guys but i couldnt and then i had twins girls? Idk from who but i was breastfeeding them and then i decided to go to my grandfathers house to show them off because apparently no one knows i had twins so while i was walking my neighbors friend were parking and i asked him if he could hold my babies so i could close my shirt why did i trust him idk and then i went to my grandfathers house and then I decided no i want my kids so i went back to my neighbors and i was likr wheres my baby and hes like hmmm and I thought something bad happened to her but she was sleeping on the couch and they were watching a movie اجواء لندن

And then i took the girls and my neighbors gave me food to eat but i couldn't carry teo babies teo bags and food so i asked him so he could help me but he only had one hand so i went to his friends and i was like who has two hands can u help me so one of them got up to help me and then a monster dinosaur attacked our area so we were trying to hide and i hid in a bush but I accidentally stepped on a can so the dinosaur heard me so i threw my food to distract it and it thought it was the chicken

And then post apocalypse the dinosaurs/monster creatures only attacked humans and my husband is human and me and my twins are robots so of course we're not gonna die but since my husband is human every time he moves down a level which means the monsters are gonna eat him so we're like stop doing that stay positive but he really wants to die so he goes on a drop thingy that drops u into the ocean and u get eaten by the monster somehow he survives and he gets mad so he goes to buy cigarettes so he can smoke them all and die

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