Entrance Exam!

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The day was finally here!

"Wow! This place is bigger than I thought." Izumi said as she looked around.

And she could feel some of her monsters were ready for some action.

"Good to see you're not chickened out." Katsuki said behind her.

"Hmph. If I was scared, I would not want to be a hero in the first place."

Then Izumi entered the room to see many other students looking nervous. One of which was a brown haired girl. She had a roundish face, rosy cheeks, brown hair and was a bit shorter than her.

The written test was the easy part. However, the real test involved their quirks.

As Present Mic, a new teacher of U.A. informed them, there were four kinds of robots. Three were pointer robots while the last was a zero pointer which would had no points.

Izumi prepped a duel disk she had and put in her deck.

Then the door opened as Izumi quickly headed into the field.

"Hey wait for the sign-" one boy that moved like a robot said.

But Present Mic spoke up.
"No the little lady had the right idea! In the real world, there's no countdowns or signals. So get going!"

And like that, the entrants scrambled to get points.

With Izumi...

"Alright, Dark Magician, you are up first!" She said with the legendary monster emerging.

"Alright, a three pointer! Attack, Now Dark Magician!"

The two monster strike taking down the monster as Izumi brought two more monsters out.

"Blue Eyes White Dragon, Red Eyes Black Dragon! You two come out too!" She said as they came out.

As she progressed her monsters destroyed 9 three pointers, 6 two pointers, and 12 one pointers.
Meanwhile in the booth.

"There appears to be real talent this year. Heavy hitters, strategists, and of course the tricky ones." A mouse creature said.

"Yeah, this is the first I've heard of monsters being summoned from cards. And they have their own quirks too." A man with a red suit said.

"But if they are the ones destroying the robots wouldn't the monsters recieve the points?" A woman's voice said.

"Actually they are an extension of that girl's power. Technically she's still getting the points." A man that looked like a block figure said.

Then the mouse creature decided to kick it up a notch.

"Power Loader, release the zero pointer."

"Alright, guys. That should bring us to 51 points." Izumi said, thinking she was in the clear to get in.

Only to hear the ground rumbling as participants ran away.

It was the Zero Pointer.

And the round-faced girl was about to be crushed by it.

But Izumi quickly countered with Magic Cylinder making the monster hit itself.

Quickly drawing a card, it was the monster she needed.

"I sacrifice Dark Magician, Red Eyes Black Dragon and Blue Eyes White Dragon. The heavens twist and thunder roars, signaling the coming of this creature, which symbolizes the true power of the Ancients! Now appear! Slifer the Sky Dragon!" Izumi said as the sky darkened and the three monsters faded to blend into a light that took on a whole new shape.

The creature was a large, serpentine red-skinned, black-bellied dragon with spikes running down its body. Its wings are bat-like in form, with two thumb claws. It's head has two mouths; the bottom jaw of the smaller top set is part of the top jaw of the larger set. The last tooth at each cheek is larger than the others. The head is crested with four spikes protruding horizontally, and two larger ones from the back of the head curving vertically; the sapphire common to the Egyptian Gods is nestled at the front of the crest. Its tail crest is shaped in a similar manner, but with a single flattened spike at the tip rather than two spikes. And it has short limbs with three-toed feet.

It roared sounding like thunder as the zero pointer actually froze.
The entrants all looked stupefied as the dragon appeared out of nowhere.

"Slifer, take the zero pointer in the air and destroy it! Thunderforce Attack!"

The dragon did so, and the robot was done-so.

Izumi turned to the round-faced girl. "You alright? Anything broken?"

"No, just feeling dizzy..." She said looking pale.

"Quirk overuse?" Izumi said rubbing her back to help her.

Then a loud horn sounded out, signaling the battle test was over.
Two days later...

Izumi got a letter from the school, saying she got into U.A with 51 Battle points and 70 rescue points, bringing a total of 121 points, placing her at the top spot. Katsuki was a close second as he had was 119 Battle points only.

But at least they both got into U.A.
Yeah, this was a little quick, but what what do you think was the teacher's reactions to Izumi summoning Slifer?

Plz comment!

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