Chapter 6 an over protective brother

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Starscream growled as he walked by the med bay, he had made sure Starlight stayed where it was safe. He had remembered when Starlight contacted him after she snuck away from the autobots with their ground bridge. He was not happy, for not only was she captured. But her wing got bent, by Bumblebee.

Starlight yawned, as she was organizing all of the tools and equipment for Knockout. While Knockout was checking the files, making sure they were up to date.

"I'm done Knockout" Starlight said.

"Wonderful, well...I guess you could take a break now" Knockout said.

"Sweet" she sighed as she flopped onto the floor.

Starscream walked in and frowned. He stood beside his sister and tapped his pede. She looked up at him, seeing the frown on his face.

"What?" She said.

"Why are you, the princess of vos, laying on the filthy floor?" Starscream asked.

"Because I want to, I can easily clean the dirt off later ya know" Starlight sighed.

"Did you do whatever was asked of you?" Starscream asked.

"Yeeees, I cleaned the tools. Dried the tools, put the tools away while organizing them. Washed the beakers took inventory of all the medical supplies" Starlight said.

"Good...I suppose for doing such good work, we could go flying" he said in a calm tone.

"HECK YEAH!" She exclaimed as she grabbed his servo and dragged him.

"Have fun you two" Knockout waved with a smile.


"This is so much better than staying cooped up all day. Thank you Starscream" Starlight said happily.

"I figured you could use a tell me again, how you could let that scout catch you?" Starscream said.

"Ugh...I told you he thought I was gonna attack. So he acted without thinking" Starlight said.

"...that scout...I should knock some sense into him" Starscream grumped.

"Oh come on, I'm fine. You don't have to be so over protective" Starlight said.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but that's my job" Starscream said.

They both yelped when they were suddenly under fire. Starscream pushed Starlight, and barely avoided being shot. They quickly turned around, Starscream fired his missals to give them some time to fly away.

The autobots got out of the way, before the missals hit. They watched the two fly off, they went back to harvesting the energon they had found. Optimus however turned to look in the direction the two flew off in.

"Something wrong Optimus?" Arcee asked.

"No...just glad to see Starscream still does everything he can to protect his sister" he said.


"PRIMUS!" Starlight gasped as she tripped and fell.

Starscream transformed and landed carefully, he walked over to his sister and helped her up. They looked at each other and began to laugh.

"Your to stay in med bay" Starscream said suddenly as he went inside.

"Wait what?! Hey dont keep me cooped up again, come on..." Starlight raced after him.

"We were nearly shot down! I won't risk your safety out there!" Starscream said with a frown.

"What about my mental state? Being locked up inside all day won't help" she pouted.

"You can go on the flight deck, but flights are postponed" Starscream said as he turned a Corner.

"Until when?" Starlight asked, she knew she wouldn't get an answer. But she still had to ask.

"Starlight? Your back already?" Knockout asked.

"Yup...over protective big brother strikes back" she said with a loud sigh.

"Well why don't we go get a cube?" Knockout asked with a smile.

"That would be nice" Starlight smiled.

As the two talked they saw Starscream enter the room. He saw them and blinked, grabbing a cube he walked over to them. The two making room for him to sit, the seeker sat down and stared at Knockout.

"What?!" He barked.

"You two seem to be getting close" Starscream said.

"Starscream!" Starlight blushed.

"Well we are working together for one thing, and can't stop her from finding someone, if she chooses to" Knockout said.

"Maybe not, but I can scare them enough to think twice" Starscream smirked.

"Brother! I can be with anyone I wish you know, Vos is no more...those rules don't apply anymore" Starlight said.

"And have you chosen someone?" Starscream asked.

"....I dunno, maybe" the femme blushed again.

"...alright...I have work to do still, so have fun 'talking'" Starscream snickered as he walked away.

"Primus he will not be easy to deal with now" Knockout groaned.

"I can handle him, you won't have to worry about a thing" Starlight smiled evilly.

Transformers Prime Starscreams sisterWhere stories live. Discover now