i miss the old maddie

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maybe all of the drugs are out of her and she is not rude anymore "I missed you Derek" I just hope she isn't on drugs "what's going on Maddie" she just shakes her head no "Derek there is this party and everyone is going can I please go?" and there is what she wanted I just looked at amelia and Meredith. I don't know what to say to "we will talk again after me, Meredith, and amelia" she nodded "I need to know soon my friend doesn't want to go alone" we all nodded now we have to take a vote because that is the best thing for us to do right now and she is allowed to go "Maddie you can go" now I'm guessing she is getting ready.

Lucas is picking me up at 4:00 and it is 3:30 right now I just had to put some makeup on and a really cute dress and high heels that I can barely walk in but it's fine because he is here so I run out to his older brother's car "Maddie I'm so happy you can come" the house wasn't far from Derek's and I may have lied to Derek because I don't know anyone that the party only Lucas "I'm going to get a beer do you want one" I just nodded and now it's just me and his friends but they scare me so I went to go find Lucas "Lucas do you need help" he nodded.

I like Maddie so I'm planning on asking her to be my girlfriend like when we are alone "Maddie will you be my girlfriend?" she just jumped then hugged me and she stole my beer but I didn't mind because she is cute "I liked you for a long time Lucas" damn I love her "come on let's get back to my friends"

Me and Maddie danced and Maddie was drinking a lot of beer but I only had one so I know Maddie is safe and isn't getting hurt but now she can't talk and is having trouble walking it was one in the morning I called my brother we waited 25 minutes for him. Maddie started crying and it was cold out so I gave her my hoodie "it's okay Bella" and he was finally here he help me get Maddie in the car and now we have to take her home her dad is going to be pissed because some random guy is being his daughter home drunk "Lucas you are really cute" I just smiled. and of course, she had a beer in her hand then we pulled up to her house and I had to carry her and knock on the door then the door started to open...

i'm so sorry this is a short chapter so ik making it a double post today and happy new years 🎇🎆🎇🎆

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