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(Dipper pov)

10 years ago

I struggle to get the stupid bow tie done right, it looking like a mess no matter how many times I do it. I hear Grunkle Stan laugh softly from where he sits on my bed, tying the ribbon on the back of Mabel's pure white flowy dress. It goess down to her knees and floats up when she spins in circles.

"Come here and let me fix it for you." I go over to him and he works on fixing it as Mabel finishes brushing her hair.

"Why do we have to dress fancy for this?"

"Because opening your doors and seeing what each of your gifts will be is a very special time for the both of you so everyone needs to look their best in order to remember just how special tonight really was." He ties the bow tie perfectly before ruffling my hair gently.

"Grunkle Stan, can you tell the story again?"

"Again? You both must have heard it at least a thousand times by now."

"I know, but I want to hear it again. We both do, right Mabel?"

"Yeah!" She pipes up as she puts a white headband on her head to hold her hair back.

Gruncle Stan sighs slightly before he picks up the worn out book. "Come on you two." He gently sets us both on his lap as he opens the book. My fingers trace over the old pages, my eyes admiring the fancy looking ink used to write each and every word. "As you both know, me and Ford were tasked with taking care of your mother and your aunt when they were both younger. Our old village was a bad place so our family ran. The bad people followed us and......and my wife was lost to them....."

"But then you found the miracle!" Mabel says happily.

"More like the miracle found us. It gave us a home when we needed it most, provided a safe place for us to start a new village without worry of the bad men being able to hurt anyone else ever again."

"Because of the huge mountains surrounding everything?" I ask.

"That's right. And in return for the miracle providing for us, we take care of the house and the people in town. Then whenever someone in the family gets married, the wedding is held in the house. And when they have kids, just like you too, they will all get their own doors on their 10th birthday. Just like today."

"But Grunkle Stan, what if my gift isn't as good as everyone else's? What if it's something really weak or dumb?"

"There is no need to worry, Kiddo." He ruffles my hair again. "Because I know that no matter what either of you get, the gift will be just as special as the both of you. Now we really do have to be going or we'll be late."

He shuts the journal setting it down as we climb off his lap. We exit the room, Mabel and I tightly holding hands as we stand at the bottom of the stairs and Stan stands at the top of the staircase holding the candle.


"Yeah, dipping dots?"

"Are you scared?"

"A little bit."

"Good. Me too. Except it's not a little, it's a lot of being scared."

"Well there is no need to worry. Because even if we both get gifts or neither of us get a gift, we'll always have each other. And that's all that really matters in the end, isn't it?"

"Yeah, you're right."

"I always am."

We tightly hold hands as we make our way up to the stairs. Grunkle Stan lowers the candle to us and we both hold it in our hands, careful not to drop it.

"Do you both promise to use this Gift to honor our miracle? To serve this community and strengthen our home?"

"We do." We both answe at the same time. We hand the candle back to him before approaching the two glowing doors in front of us.

We let go of each other as we both reach out and touch the doorknobs.

I watch with anticipation as a door starts to form, but them it disappears slowly, the doorknob disappearing from my hand until there is no longer a door and it's just a blank wall. I look over at Mabel, confused as her door forms fully.

Flowers sprout from her hair and around her feet, some even sprouting on her dress. She squeals in delight before turning to me. Her delight turns to confusment when she sees the blank wall.

"Dipper, where is your door?"

"I....I don't have one...."

"But.....that isn't possible...."

"I don't get it." I look at Grunkle Stan but he looks as confused as the both of us, and even a little bit scared. "Grunkle Stan, why don't I have a Gift but Mabel does?"

"Well.....maybe the miracle is trying to say-"

"Say what? That I don't deserve a gift like Mabel and everyone else?" I feel tears of anger stinging my eyes.

My mom puts a hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down. "Dipper, remember what we've told you when you are angry."

"Deep breathes, count to 10, I am trying....b-but it isn't fair! Everyone else gets a cool Gift! Even Mabel gets one but I don't! It isn't fair! We're twins, why does she get it and I don't! It is stupid and none of this is fair!"

She picks me up and I hold onto her tightly as I cry onto her shoulder, feeling her rubbing my back.

"Shh, don't worry, it's going to be okay."

She carries me back to the nursery and sits me on the bed. I angrily take off the bow tie and throw it across the room before laying down facing the wall with my back turning to her.

I hear her sigh as she gently takes my shoes off my feat. "Dipper, use your words please."

"It isn't fair."

"Life isn't fair, mijo, but that's how it is."

"But everyone gets a door. You got one, Louise got one, all of my cousins and aunt get one, Gruncle Ford gets one, even Mabel does. I'm the only one who doesn't get one."

"Your dad and uncle Felix don't have a door."

"They married into the family, they never had a chance to get a door. What did I do wrong, mama?"

She moves my bangs to the side as she kisses my forehead. "You did nothing wrong, mijo. I promise you that we will figure this out together in the morning. Until then, just be patient and you'll get your gift before you know it."

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