Chapter 5

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(Dipper pov)

Standing outside Ford's old room I grab the doorknob, turning it and pushing the door open. I take a few steps into the room, stopping in front of a curtain of sand that is falling.

"Could you lend me a hand, Casita?" I look back, Casita making some floorboards outside the room lift up and settle back down again. "You can't come in here? I'm all on my own in here....that's fine. I can do this. I have to."

I take a step through the sand curtain only to yell in surprise as I fall and tumble down a steep slope of sand. I push myself onto my hands and knees once at the bottom, feeling sand in every crevice in my clothes.

"There is nothing worst than having sand just stuck everywhere....."

I stand up, brushing myself off before walking over to a towering cliff, stone steps leading up it.

Sighing, knowing that this is going to take forever, I start my way up the stairs.


I finally get to the stop of the stairs, my shirt clinging to my skin. I groan slightly seeing a large gap between where I'm standing, and what I assume is Ford's vision room with the giant rounded door.

Taking a few steps back I get a running start and jump the gap, grabbing onto the ledge barely. I manage to pull myself up onto my feet with only minor scrapes on my hands.

"Let's just get this over with. This room is the worst."

I go over to the door, squeezing through the narrow opening. The whole room is just filled with more sand.

"Louise said I had to find Ford's last vision from before he left.....but what the hell am I even supposed to be looking for? What is a vision supposed to look like in the first place?"

I stop walking feeling something under my foot. Looking down I see a piece of green glass, it seeming like it's almost glowing. Kneeling down I pick it up. There is some kind of picture in it, but it's hard to tell what it is.

"So his visions became green glass? That doesn't make much sense, but all it means is that I need to find all of these pieces to see what his vision was really about."

I dig through the sand finding another piece of green glass. I put it with the first one I found and now can see a picture. But it's me. Why would he have a vision of me?

Feeling the ground below me shaking I look up seeing cracks spreading throughout the ceiling. Part of the ceiling starts to fall all around me, sand filling up the entire room.

I shove the pieces into my satchel before I quickly dig through the sand to find the other pieces. I finally find all of them and shove them in my bag as the sand is up to my waist.

Standing up I wade through the sand to the round door that is now shut. I slam my hands against the door and throw my shoulder against it trying to get it open. I grab the door handle, pushing it down and giving the door one last hard shove.

The sand all spills out of the room taking me with it, nearly sending me over the edge but I manage to grab a loose piece of the grond and stop me from getting sent over.

Pulling myself back up to my feet, I take another running start and jump over the gap again before I run down the countless stairs, it being faster going down the stairs than it was going up them.

I leave Ford's room, shutting the door quietly behind me as I head to my room.

"Dipper." I stop turning to Stan. "Where have you been? Why are you covered in sand?"

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