Chapter 6

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(Dipper pov)

I look at the vision on my desk, it feeling like my chest was tightening. The world around me feels like it's spining as I slowly back away  from the desk. All other noise from outside my room just sounds dull and muted.

I sit on the ground with my back against my bed, one hand clenching the front of my shirt. I can't breathe I can't breathe. I close my eyes tightly as my breathing only seems to be getting worse.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and hear my dad's voice. "Mason, calm down it's okay. Just take a slow deep breath in and a slow deep breath out. You're going to be okay." Slowly I force myself to take the deep breathes in and out, feeling my breathing getting back to normal as I get back in control of the situation. I force my eyes open seeing my dad kneeling next to me. "You alright?"

"Yeah, yeah I think so."

"Been awhile since you had any episodes like that." He stands up and I see him look at my desk. He goes over to it and I mentally kick myself for leaving that vision out for anyone to see. "Mason, what is this?"

"Um....." I slowly stand up. "I kinda snuck into Ford's old room and found pieces of a vision and put them together, hoping to find out why the magic was failing. But I found that, a vision of the house and everything being destroyed and it being completely my fault." He remains silent, his back still to me. I slowly go over to him and put a hand on his arm. "....Dad?"

".....okay, this is what we are going to do." He picks up the pieces of the vision and puts them in his pockets. "We are going to get through this one dinner without telling anyone because Stan won't listen to anything anyone says until this proposal is over. But as soon as the dinner is over I will bring your mother up to speed and we'll figure something out." He turns to me grabbing my shoulders. "Just until then, no one can know. Understood?"


Hearing a small gasp we look at my open door, Dolores standing there.

"I know...." She quickly walks away before we can do anything.

".......she's going to tell everyone."

We go to the table where everyone is already seated, Stan at the head like usual. Mermando and his mother sit to Stan's left and next to Mabel. My dad sits on Mabel's other side as I sit next to him, Louisa to my right and Dolores right across from me.

I don't pay attention to any of the conversation happening at the table. I just keep my eyes on Dolores. A bowl of salad is passed in front of me blocking my view. Once the bowl is passed I see her whispering to Aunt Kathy. A storm cloud instantly forms over her head.

"Kathy, the clouds." Stan gently scolds her.

I look down at my water, glancing up seeing her whisper to Diego this time, him having to stop himself from spitting out his water. He then whispers to Uncle Felix who whispers to my mom. I take a dring of my water as I look down at my lap.

Noticing something under the table I peek under there and see that some rats grabbed the vision pieces from my dad's pocket and put them together on a tray down here. Crap, I gotta get those bags without Stan finding out.

"Is something wrong?" I jerk up hearing Mermando's voice, slightly banging the back of my head on the table.

"No no everything is fine." My dad speaks up for me. "We are just excited for the proposal. Which you should do. Right now."

"I was going to wait until later but okay." He gets out of his chair and gets on one knee in front of Mabel, holding her hand as he takes out a ring box.

While everyone else is distracted by this I quickly duck under the table trying to grab the tray but the rats pull it out of my grasp. Getting frustrated I chase the rats out from under the table, making one last attempt to grab the tray as they put it on the table before scattering. All I manage to do is hit it so it slides across the table and stops in front of Stan in full view of everyone.

"Dipper went into Ford's old room and saw his vision and now we're all doomed!" Dolores suddenly blurts out. Dark clouds fill the whole room as it starts downpouring on all of us. A plant rises out of the ground and hits Mermando hard in the face, him holding his nose as blood drips down his face.

Mermando and his mom quickly leave the house. Everyone else leaves the room and into the courtyard as I linger behind everyone. Mabel glares at me, her dress and hair soaked.

"You ruin everything you idiot!" She says before storming up the stairs to her room.

"But I'm not doing anything....."

My dad comes over to me. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I think so."

"I'm going to go bring your mother up to speed on everything. We'll talk to your sister later. For now just go to your room until we come up." He hugs me quickly before going to the courtyard to find my mom.

I notice rats carrying the pieces of the vision behind a painting of my grandfather. Going over to the wall I move the painting and see a hole that connects to a space within the walls. Glancing behind me seeing no one else looking I go through the hole.

There isn't much light in here, it being very dark. I see the rats climb up a figure with the glowing green vision pieces. A flash of lightening lights up the space and my eyes widen recognizing Ford. He looks at me before he takes off running from me.

Not wasting a second I run through the croded corridors after him.

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