Chapter 32

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Saturday 25th December, 1976

"Merry Christmas!" I shouted, kicking the marauders door open as I entered, my hands preoccupied with holding presents.

I was met with groans and mumbled curses, but no one got out of bed. I rolled my eyes; of course they would demand me get up early and go to their dorm, only to refuse to get up when I actually arrived.

I sighed, grabbing my wand out of my pocket and giving it a quick flick, making all the bed curtains in the room fling open and forcing the four boys to deal with the sun currently shining on their faces.

"Oi! Y/n, close the curtains!" Sirius complained.

I was about to say no when I gasped, spinning around to stare at Remus's bed where Sirius's voice came from.

I pointed at them both somewhat accusingly. "You! And you! Together! In bed!"

"Really? I didn't notice," Remus muttered, rolling on his side to avoid the sun.

I fist pumped the air. "Finally!"

A pillow was thrown at me in return.

When all of the marauders eventually got up, we all sat in a circle on the floor and gave presents to each other. I got a muggle book from Remus, Gryffindor styled earrings from Peter, all my favourite Honeydukes sweets in a hamper basket from Sirius, and a framed photo of all five of us from James, as well as a Gryffindor scarf because someone lost my old one. Sirius pointedly looked away sheepishly when I wrapped the scarf rather aggressively around my neck, glaring at him all the while.

Once we'd finished the unwrapping and giving of gifts, we went downstairs to met up with the girls, another round of presents starting. Lily also gave me a muggle book, the sequel to the one Remus got me, while Mary gave me some perfume and Marlene got me a bracelet. I quickly went up to my dorm afterwards, as did the others, and we all got changed.

I put on the necklace Regulus gave me, smiling as I twirled it around in my fingers, reading the engraved initials on the back of it. I grabbed Regulus's gift and placed it carefully in my pocket before leaving my dorm, meeting back up with the marauders and the girls and going to the Great Hall with them.

We sat down, mouths watering as we stared at the food before us. The food was more extravagant than normal, since it was Christmas day, and I eagerly started piling my plate with food.

"Wow, Y/n, your necklace is so pretty," Lily noted. "Where did you get it?"

The others turned to look at me in interest, or rather the necklace around my neck.

"It was a Christmas present," I said.

"From who?" James asked curiously.

My eyes darted to the Slytherin table and found Regulus who was talking to his friends. His eyes did a quick sweep of the Great Hall, fixing on me when he spotted me looking. He smiled and I felt my own smile fighting to surface.

I turned back to my brother. "Nunya."

James scoffed but didn't press for details. Instead, the conversation turned to the gifts we'd gotton for Christmas, and what we were going to do for New Years Eve. James and Sirius, unsurprisingly, wanted to throw a party.

"You always want to throw a party," Marlene complained. "why can't we just have a calm night in for once?"

"Because that's boring," Sirius stated, "and you, Marlene, are anything but boring."

Marlene rolled her eyes. "Flattery will get you no-where Black."

"Worth a shot."

After we'd all eaten, we went back to the Gryffindor Common Room and started a very competitive Exploding Snap tournament.

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