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The outposts were over run. Filled with the dead, alive and non.
The three groups each helping to Take out Negan and his group that came down to not much anymore. Everyone was eager for this to be done. But Carl and Maggie were most boosted about it.
Glenn could finally rest down, Negan soon to be dead and gone. The safe place Rick had laid out in his mind for his children.
He stood, watching Closely as Carl and Maggie stuck together. Ron following behind.
Though, Rick had Unfortunate other plans in mind. Negan was going to be a man, Far from someone who died. Worse then death. Locked up. Watching as the world grew and he stayed behind like a toy in the dump.

The group walked through the field. Negans Voice echoing. Rick noticed the annoyance on his sons face, Giving him a look, Carl had returned with his a narrow eye and his lower lip tucked between his teeth. Rick never thought Carl would be like this.
But again, Glenn was One of his best friends.
Maggie looked beyond emotionless. Her eyes cold.

Rick felt his heart Slightly drop, seeing the row if Negans people show themselves from the top of the hill. Each gun muzzle pointed to the group. Rick noticed Ron shift to stand Beside Carl.
It was moments till Gun shots gone off.
Rick braced himself, Everyone probably did.
But to his surprise, Most of them dropped dead. The bullets had backfired. Eugene was Still on Their side.
Rick felt his own body move, Chasing Negan down, Rick planting bullets into anyone else who was alive and moving, reaching for a gun. Some Fallen to their knees, hands In the air and proclaimed that they were done.
That it was over.
They ran like a Hound to a fox, Rick setting off Shots and Negan dodging them like some prick cat who had limitless lives.

Negan hid behind a tree. Each screaming at one another. Rick protesting how they could come together. Even using some of Carl's words against Negan.
He knew about Negans soft spot for his Son.
Negan had tears in his eyes, Rick making his way onto his feet after a harsh hit to the side from the bat that Negan held.
Rick lifted his hand.

"He said we could find peace." Rick mumbled. He wasn't lying.
Carl had mentioned once or twice that He'd wish things could blow over and live as some sort of town. A safe place For Judith and the other kids.
Negans guard lowered, Taking in Rick's words.
Bad idea.
Rick's hand squeezed tightly, His Arm lifting to snap across and back down to his side. Slicing Negans throat with a peice of glass.
Negan gerked on his blood, Watching as it stained his white shirt. His hand lifted to hold his throat. Uttering words that Rick hadn't cared for.
He looked over his shoulder to see Maggie And Carm watching. Both having the look of Murder.
He turned heel, looking at the group.

"Save him." Rick said, Loud enough for everyone to hear, waving a hand to let the doctors make their way over.
Maggie and Carl didn't enjoy the news.

"NO!" The two screamed out, a balde In both their hands. Michonne stopping Maggie from finishing the job, And Ron stopping Carl.

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