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Walking through the woods was the feeling of Freedom to Carl. His hands brushing against the Raggid bark that somehow felt more Real then the trees behind the walls of the Commonwealth. The crunching of Leaves under his shoes made his senses that were pushed deep down to rise in his chest.
He was on the search for Rj.
He first got the gut feeling. To which he brushed off at first few minutes till he left Daryls side to check his apartment.
The gut feeling was right.
His apartment was just trashed. The table Flipped, Rjs Bag dumped out all over the floor.
Plates and cups shoved out of the cupboards and shattered onto the ground. And a note on the wall. A kinfe stabbed into it, With simple few words of; We have him.' And the location right under it.
He didn't have time to tell the others. Let alone it didn't cross his mind at all. He just need to get his brother back.
Whoever took Rj, Lured him away quite Far from the Commonwealth. He'd seen this before

The sun fell Just as it came up. He heaved, Meeting an empty patch of land that went on for what seemed like forever. He looked around. This was the place. The note he found about an hour ago said they'd be waiting at the top of the hill.
His gaze met with two figures that Met at the top of the hill. Standing in front of a car with the headlights on.
The small figure was frozen in place, the larger one was holding a hand gun at his side.

"Carl Grimes, You've made it. Unless you Prefer Anderson?" Sebastians voice cut the silence when Carl had gotten close enough. Rj squirmed under the tight grip on Sebastians arm, looking at Carl with glossy eyes, his lip quivering.
"Let him go. Take me." Carl mumbled, Of course Seeing Sebastians hand wave, the gun pointing at Carl.
Carl taken the sword and tossed it away, then the gun from his holster, tossing it with hus sword.
Sebastian smiled. He lost it. He's completely tipped over the edge and he's taking Carl down with him.

"I'm taking you anyways." He scoffed, waving the gun around like an idiot. Sebastians face fell.
"You and your People ruined Every-fucking-Thing." He hissed Through his teeth, His grip tightening around Rj.
Carl's gaze became Nervous.
His hand Lifted to try and sooth out Sebastians anger. 

"And were going, Sebastian. We are leaving. We're not coming back." He spoke softly. "I'll take Rj, and go far, far fucking away from here as possible."
Sebastian fell silent, shaking his head.

"No. You're not going anywhere." He mumbled, Rj let out a squeaked Sob, noticing the Gun point to Carl.
Carl nodded, his hand staying lifted.
"I won't go anywhere. Hurt me all you want just let my brother Go." He tried to keep the conversation light.
He'd seen his dad many times preform things like this.
Sebastian fell silent once more. The guns muzzle lowering to the ground, and Rjs Sobs became Faint.

Carl shifted in his spot. He felt his heart pounding in his chest. His gaze Shifted to Rj, Sebastian released Rj. His little brother took a stumble before Running into Carl's arms.
Carl mumbled for Rj to run, he did as Told.
He couldn't tell if Rj had Listened and Ran away back the way he came from.

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