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It was an average day for reigen to go to the bar so that he could wash away the stress that has surrounded his mind.

He paid the bartender with his money before getting up and exit the place. As he was walking down the empty street, he saw an unconscious woman laying down at the side with a kid crying.

Weird. It's not everyday that reigen could witness something strange like this. He was debating to himself whether he should go check it up or not, but before he could even make a quick decision. The kid started screaming for help, thus pulling his attention after startling him.

"PLEASE! ANYBODY, PLEASE HELP ME!" At this point, this little boy was crying his eyes out loudly as he tried to wake up the unconscious woman. Guilts start to build up in reigen heart as he quickly rushed over to the kid.

Tareo noticed his presence from the back as the little kid quickly turned his head at the old guy.
"U..uncle!- h-hey uncl-"

Reigen then put his pinky finger to his lips so that he could tell tareo to quiet down. 'shh!' shit, the hell is up with these two?

Soon after he was able to take a good look at the unconscious woman, Reigen eyes widened as he saw multiple arrows stuck in the woman's back as she was also bleeding badly in her left arm. Even half of her body is covered in bandages.

'u-uncle please help us..! She's badly injured, p-please help auntie!' whispered-yell the kid.

Shit.. I'm not so sure what to do about this.. he can't even call mob at this late hour which is 1.30 AM, so he had no choice but to bring her back home. Looks like he'll need to do some extra work tonight.

He pulled her body up to his back as he carefully dragged her away from the street. The kid, tareo followed him along by his side while gripping his pants. Now that his sobs have quieted down a little.. he thanked reigen arataka for saving them.


Oh what a busy day it is, who hates monday? because reigen surely does.

'uhuh.. uhuh..' nodded reigen arataka while mumbling a few word as he was writing down something on a note while holding a phone close to his ear.

"Pssh.. uncle.. will auntie be alright..?" Questioned terao, the little boy has been growing even more worried for his friend since it's been a day that she has passed out.

Reigen pushed the phone away from his ear, he looked at tareo with pity before sighing out tiredly. "Im sorry kid, this was all that i could do. Her body has been getting quite better than before though.. so we'll just have to wait for her to wake up"

Reigen pat tareo on the head before going back to his 'work'.

Tareo was grateful that the man had helped them out from a near death situation. But he was still dissapointed how reigen wouldn't want to take her to the hospital. Any person with a common sense would've taken his friend to a hospital already but reigen still wouldn't do that.

Tareo sighs hopelessly before sitting back on the floor near his friend, he stares at y/n face as he felt like tears are about to burst out again.

He wanted to go back home! To his family and friends! He wanted to go back to where he belong- with y/n!

He sniffs quietly, looking at her arm as it's still in recover. Though, once he saw Y/n fingers twitching for a moment, it had him surprised as hell. Because He was about to reach out to her hand but was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

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